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  1. From menu bar, Select Options > Setting... Then, "iReport - Options" window is opened. You can change "Language." Try it!
  2. As you know, JasperServer can create information dashboard using JasperReports. In use for Enterprise, Cartograph expression is very useful. For example, sales performance by areas can be expressed by color-coded area map. I request to implement such a cartograph feature as a new feature.
  3. SAEKI


    Hi, I'd like to use 2-d barcode in JasperReports. As you know, JasperReports supports "PDF417". However, PDF417 is not majer in Japan. I'd like to user "QR-code." Can I use it? Post edited by: SAEKI, at: 2007/11/30 04:15 Post edited by: SAEKI, at: 2007/11/30 04:16
  4. I'd likt to confirm about Internationalization of JasperETL. Now I use Jasper applications in Japan, so that I hope to use JasperETL in Japanese, too. I hope to change the menu and message in Japanese. Can I change them like JasperServer and iReport? Post edited by: SAEKI, at: 2007/11/27 23:03
  5. hi, kinder Firstly, you need to prepare the perl environment. If you want use JasperETL on Windows, ActivePerl is better, I think. Then, you unzip the JasperETL's file into your computer. That's all. You should check the install document below. http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_docman&task=cat_view&gid=81&Itemid=248 According to this document, you also need to install "PadWalker", but I use JasperETL without it.
  6. hi, kinder Firstly, you need to prepare the perl environment. If you want use JasperETL on Windows, ActivePerl is better, I think. Then, you unzip the JasperETL's file into your computer. That's all. You should check the install document below. http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_docman&task=cat_view&gid=81&Itemid=248 According to this document, you also need to install "PadWalker", but I use JasperETL without it.
  7. I found why the Japanese label can't display. That is the database's matter. The database "jasperserver", which is used for metadata, is configured fo using "latin1" as a character code. I used Installer version. If possible, I'd like to set the defaulet character on the installer's screen. :(
  8. Hi, guys. I try JasperServer-Pro 2.0 on RHEL5, but Japanese (Multi-byte characters) Label and Discription can't be displayed on Report List screen. When I tried JS on WindowsXP, They can be displayed. Is it bug, or Do I need any configuration? Post edited by: SAEKI, at: 2007/10/01 01:56 Post edited by: SAEKI, at: 2007/10/01 04:41
  9. Hi, guys, I created Test pattern JRXMLs and checked many case. As the result, I found the blow. 1. In the case the subreport becomes two or more pages, the attribute "Start on a New Page" of Report group has no meaning. 2. In the case the behind subreport is fixed in one page, and "Insert page/column break" is set on the top of the next subreport, the blank page is inserted the next to the fixed subreport. 3. "Spacer group" hasn't no meaning. 4. "Insert page/column break" on main report hasn't no meaning. 5. Above-mentioned case is not depended on that the one-page-fixed page is using title tag or detail tag. I checked them by iReport2.0. Is there any other idea? [file name=test_pattern_jrxml.zip size=9940]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/test_pattern_jrxml.zip[/file] Post edited by: SAEKI, at: 2007/06/21 04:02 Post edited by: SAEKI, at: 2007/06/25 04:54
  10. Case1182> I tried out your xmlfile. However, the result is same with your former files. Your file is added "isStartNewPage="true" into "group" tag, and isSplitAllowed="true" into "band" tag. It declares to output subreports into different pages, doesn't it? It looks correct, but Why doesn't it work? Maybe, subreports need to change?
  11. It is not clear the point in my first question. I'd like to divide the each subreport into different pages. For that, I put "Page and column breaks" between the subreport on the main report. In the case that each subreport has only one page, the subreports printed in differnt pages. However, In the case the subreport become somo pages, They don't separeted, and over-lapped. 1. Case1182's solution resolved the "over-lapping" matter. 2. "Page separeting" still remains. I considered each subreports is output as "differnt reports". In that case, I get other problems. For example, I cannot pagenate the reports by serial number. Could you help me?:unsure:
  12. Sorry to be late reply. I tried your suggestion. However, In the case that the subreport become some pages, it cannot sepalate the next subreport. It looks very difficult thing. Impossible?
  13. kih1fe, I checked your JRXML files. Certainly, Theare are no query in them. In this case, we cannot get any output as a result of executing, because there are no records. Basically, JasperReport is depended with the record using DB access or other datasource. For getting a report, at least, one record is necessary. No record, no report. You should check below. http://jasperforge.org/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.jasperreports/wiki/FAQ16 This is JasperReport's explanation, and iReport is same. --- SAEKI Post edited by: SAEKI, at: 2007/05/28 14:24
  14. Hi, Holger, Your Sub-report can get the valid result. It means that the query can get the valid record. How about the master-report? In the case of using subreport, the master-report also need to get the record by the query. If it is get no record, you cannot get the report. Pls check it. --- SAEKI Post edited by: SAEKI, at: 2007/05/28 07:32 Post edited by: SAEKI, at: 2007/05/28 07:35
  15. Hi, everyone, Now I try to create the plural-page report whitch has 5 subreports. All subreports are on detail band of the master report, and sepalated by "Page and column breaks" In the case that each subreport are within 1 page, there is no problem. However, in the case that some subreports become 2 or more pages, the outputs are overlapped with the next subreport. I attatched the main report templete file (JRXML). Please help me.:pinch: [file name=inquiry.jrxml size=8615]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/inquiry.jrxml[/file]
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