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Everything posted by follyaxel

  1. Hi all, I created a small test report and some small xml data. I tried recreating the issue and that was no problem. I fooled around with "print order", "print repeated values", "Stretch to band height", different fonts, etc... I still didn't get it to work. What I did discover is that when I set the textfield, that I wan't to "stretch with overflow", to the front, the complete text is printed. But it is printed over the other text :S. The other thing that I discovered is that the static text, that stands before the textfield, never is printed. But dependent to the "Print order" the background color of the static text is growing or not. I've put the jrxml and the xml file in a zip file. They are called testje.jrxml and data.xml. This problem is really a big issue for us. So please help me. [file name=CatalogReportsTest.zip size=4508]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/CatalogReportsTest.zip[/file]
  2. Hello, I've got some problems with the Stretch with overflow. It doesn't work and I can't get it to work. When the content of the textField exceeds one line than the textfield and the static text are not shown. I tried diverent values for Eval. Time, grouping the text fields and ungrouping the text fields. But I never get the complete text and static text shown. This counts for the HTML as for the PDF view both. I upgraded to 1.3.2 yesterday to be sure it wasn't some known bug that was allready fixed. My problem wasn't solved and because a college of mine made some big changes in Jasper Reports for the HTML view we desided not to upgrade the servers to 1.3.2 if there is a solution for 1.2.7. I attached the jrxml files of one of the reports where this is going wrong. I hope you guys can help me. Best Regards, Alex Donker //attachement removed Post edited by: follyaxel, at: 2007/04/12 10:17 Post edited by: follyaxel, at: 2007/04/17 12:44
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