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  1. Teodor, Thank you for your replying. That's a relief.
  2. Hi, guys I checked JasperReports' Datasheet. http://jasperforge.org/website/jasperreportswebsite/trunk/highlights.html?group_id=252 This document mentions ; --- Minimum Requirements JasperReports has few external dependencies. All that is required is: • Java JDK 1.3 or higher • JDBC 2.0 driver (if RDBMS used) --- It means that JaspeReports is only supported JDBC 2.0. On the other hand, PostgreSQL 8.4 seems to be support only 3.0 or higher. I think it means that JasperReports cannnot connect to PostgreSQL 8.4. Is that True?
  3. Giulio, and Everyone, Thank you for your advice. I tried two way. 1. Javabeans: In this way, It can access to DB without PreparedStatement. However, If DB structure changed, I need to remake the Java programme. Considering maintainability, it is a problem to be solved. 2. Extend the JdbcQueryExecuter I tried it, but it is difficult for me. I hope to use this extended JdbcQueryExecuter just for special DB. I hope to use normal JdbcQueryExecuter in the case of usual DB. I think other datasources, such as Hibernate, use PreparedStatement inside. I try more. If you have other idea, pls give me advice!
  4. Hi, everyone. Now I try to connect a database from iReport using JDBC. The DB is not a standard DBMS like MySQL, Oracle etc. I made a datasource using the JDBC, and it passed the test. After that, I could make SQL statement using Query designer. However, When I try to read fields, the error message displayed. It looks that the DB's JDBC driver don't support "PreparedStatement." In that case, how should I do? For example, I consider to make JavaBeans to connect the database using not "preparedStatement," but "createStatement." If you have similar experience, pls give me some advice! Post Edited by Yupa at 05/19/2009 05:17
  5. Giulio, I could access JS Pro3.5 from iReport3.5, after I checked the flag you mentioned. Thank you. Post Edited by Yupa at 04/27/2009 02:24
  6. Hi, all. Now I try iReport3.5. I noticed jasperserver-plugin for iReport3.5 is not support JasperServer Pro 3.5 yet. I tried to access JasperServer3.5 from iReport3.5. I could not access as "jasperadmin" and other general users. As "superuser," I could access JS. I'd like to confirm when iReport support JS 3.5? Currently, I don't try the case of JS3.5 CE. Is it same? Post Edited by Yupa at 04/24/2009 02:35
  7. Hi, guys. I think Jasper Analysis workbench shall be more user-friendly tool. I think the following 3 points shall be resolved. 1. JA work bench is not internationalized yet. 2. JA workbench is not work with JasperServer. It cannot access JasperServer repository and regist the scheme. 3. JA work bench is not difficult to understand for not-special analysis engineer. I demand hi-skill for multi-dimentional data cube, and database. It is not user-intuitive. I wonder why this tool is not updated recently. Maybe, this part is most difficult to use JasperServer. I hope JA workbench to be better tool , or better tool replaces it. For Jasper BI becomes "BI for Everyone." ;)
  8. Dear ilovekannada, To edit the locale file on Web, you need to sign in JasperBabylon. Please go to this url. http://jasperforge.org/jasperbabylon/index.php The account for Jasperbabylon is different from JasperForge's one. If you don't have the account, you need to sign up. Then, you can sign in to JasperBabylon. After that, you go to the page you'd like to translate, and click "edit" on the top of the page. I couldn't know kannada language. I hope you contribute this! Thank you for your contribution!
  9. Dear Sherman and All, Now I understand why the chart has not displayed. In default setting, "ignoreGraphics"'s value is "true "in the "xlsExportParameters" in export parameters of "WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml". In that case, all graphics including in the report are ignored in the case of exporting to Excel. I changed the value to "false", then I got expected result. That is why the chart cannot display. Shaerman, thank you for your advising. Code: Post Edited by Yupa at 01/05/09 02:00
  10. Dear Sherman, Thank you for your replying. swood Wrote: You are right - the charts are images, not Excel charts. That is what JasperReports does. When you say "the charts is not exported to Excel output. Actually, The charts of demo report, which is including to default distribution of JasperServer, are not exported", are you talking about the All Charts report? There is also an example OpenFlashCharts report - this will not display in Excel. Sherman Jaspersoft Yes, all of reports cannnot display in Excel. For example, "Revenue by Store Type Report", which is included in "Supermart" demo, hat one pie-chart. However, it's chart cannot display in Excel, but can in RTF, Flash, and PDF.
  11. Now I have troouble about Chart export to Excel format. I'd like to export a report, which consist of some charts, to Excel format. However, the charts is not exported to Excel output. Actually, The charts of demo report, which is including to default distribution of JasperServer, are not exported. But, Ad hoc reports and Analysis view's chart are exported to Excel output. And, in the case of using iReport, the charts can be outputed and desplayed. I don't think this is specifications of JasperServer. What is thereason of this trouble?
  12. Dear Sherman, Thank you for your reply immediately. If I got JDBC driver , can I use any DBMS as a data source for JasperServer? e.g. DB2, Apache Derby, SQLite etc...
  13. Hi, guys, I'd like to know Tearadata can be used as a datasource of JasperServer. JasperServer can connect with Tearadata using JDBC or ODBC?
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