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Everything posted by bobtins

  1. I'd like to elaborate on that a little bit. There are four types of reports handled by Ad Hoc: table, chart, crosstab, and dashboard. Each one has a list of default settings in applicationContext-adhoc.xml, so you will see four occurrences of the "paperSize" entry, under the properties "tableDefaults", "crosstabDefaults", "chartDefaults", and "dashboardDefaults". Table and crosstab are set to "letter" by default, and chart and dashboard are set to "content", which means that the size of the output isn't constrained by a paper size. You probably want to set "a4" as the default in table and crosstab.
  2. I was looking at this message and scratching my head, because as Tony mentions, there's no explicit reference to javax.activation.DataSource. I googled around for some instances of that error, and I think that message shows up because there's a subclass of DataSource referenced, and the subclass is accessible but DataSource itself isn't. You may have an activation.jar in your Maven repo, but the kicker is that Maven won't put it on the classpath unless you call it out as a dependency! This could be a subtle Maven issue--the jasperserver lib (or something it depends on) might not be calling out a dependency, but there is something else that depends on activation.jar and things "just work". If the dependency chain changes for some reason, then all of a sudden activation.jar stops being included, and things start blowing up. To add an explicit callout for activation.jar, add the following to the <dependencies> of jasperserver-api-impl/engine/pom.xml: <dependency> <groupId>javax.activation</groupId> <artifactId>activation</artifactId> <version>1.1</version> </dependency> Hopefully, things will start working. I'll check this fix in to SVN, because it shouldn't really hurt anything.
  3. It's part of JasperServer Pro 2.0. If you install the sample data, it should contain an Ad Hoc topic called "Parameterized Report" which has three different parameters with input controls that you can change in Ad Hoc or when you run the report.
  4. I looked at your doc, and just yesterday another developer here had found and fixed the unit test failure you mentioned: 5. I ran the “mvn clean install†form the jasperserver/jasperserver-unit-test directory and I had one test failure in the TestUserQuery test. I verified that the TestUser was defined in the database (in the jiuser table), so I am not sure what the issue is. I have attached the surefire-reports contents to this issue as a zipfile attachment.I let him know so he or I can post the fix here. I don't see the jaspererr.txt that you mentioned in point 9--can you post it? Post edited by: bobtins, at: 2007/04/11 20:18
  5. I've just been working on Oracle compatibility so I'm familiar with kind of thing. I googled on the Oracle error and found a wide variety of issues. Some were caused by Oracle JDBC bugs, others by various combinations of column types and ways of binding values through JDBC, but they were all with long binary or character strings. The JILogEvent table has event_text with type VARCHAR(4000) and event_data with type "LONG RAW" so these are the two I'd suspect. This hibernate user said he turned up an Oracle JDBC bug although it's not clear from the post how he resolved it. You might want to try getting the latest JDBC driver, though: http://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?t=964482 Other than that, we'd need to find out what Hibernate's doing at the JDBC level (i.e. what setters it's calling to set the column values) and play around with the Hibernate configuration on this table (which is in an hbm.xml file) to see if there's a better type to use for these columns. Sorry I can't be more specific...I think this will be trial and error. I'd report this as a bug (which I might end up fixing).
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