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Everything posted by geuslenn

  1. Hi, We use jasperreport for invoice output via dot matrix OKI 4410 printer. With JRE6 no problem, fonts was well . After changing JRE7 , fonts appreance changed and not well. Whats the problem ? can anybody help me ?
  2. which jars Ear directory should be contain with jfreechart-1.0.3.jar.? but how can computer close itself ? I think a memory problem appear .
  3. Hi, I am developing java applications with IBM RAD 7.0 IDE. And using Ireport 3.0.0 . My application EAR directory has jfreechart.jar that under irepor\home\lib directory. I made a lot of report without charts and wiithout problems .The followiing code working perfect without charts . But new reports include charts . when I calling the following code , my computer closing suddenly . ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader(); InputStream s = cl.getResourceAsStream("rapor/" + raporCode+ ".jasper"); HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); hashMap.put("subReportPath","rapor/"); hashMap.put("dbConnection", conn); hashMap.put("liste", donenListe); JRDataSource jrda = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(Arraylist obj); JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport( s, hashMap, jrda); whats the problem ? any idea?
  4. Hello, How can print run time report query at run time ? I want to see query when added parameters at run time Post edited by: geuslenn, at: 2008/04/21 08:36
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