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  • mmflynn

    Error: Packet for query is too large

    [toc on_off::hide=1]

    Caused by:

    com.mysql.jdbc.PacketTooBigException: Packet for query is too large (2257806 > 1048576).

    You can change this value on the server by setting the max_allowed_packet variable.


    MySQL Server's default max_allowed_packet value is 1MB. You must increase the max_allowed_packet to meet the maximum file size of documents you want to store in the Jaspersoft repository.


    To determine how large to set the max_allowed_packet value:

    1. Run the largest report and export it to your desired file format (PDF, XLS, etc.).
    2. Save the file to disk to determine its file size.
    3. As the MySQL administrator, update the mysqld max_allowed_packet property.

    For example, if your largest exported file is 35 MB large, then make the following edit in my.ini.




    max_allowed_packet = 35M

    Restart MySQL for this change to take effect.

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