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  • Currency symbol '¤' not displaying in the locale currency format on the server

    • Features: JasperReports Server, Localization Version: v6.4 Product: JasperReports® Server


    When viewing the report on the TIBCO JasperReports® Server, the currency symbol placeholder, '¤' is not properly displaying in the locale currency format.

    The currency sign/symbol is specified in the TIBCO Jaspersoft® Studio report's pattern expression of the text element, for example '¤#,##0.##' 

    In the case of Japanese locale, the "¤" is not displayed as '' (Japanese Yen) but instead remains as '¤'.

    Note: When previewing the report in TIBCO Jaspersoft® Studio, the currency is correctly displayed.



    1> Edit the file:


    2> Locate bean 'userLocalesList' and modify these two values from 'en' and 'ja' to 'en_US' and 'ja_JP' respectively :

              <value type="java.util.Locale">en_US</value>
              <value type="java.util.Locale">ja_JP</value>

    3> Restart the TIBCO JasperReports® Server.


    ref: 01803823

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