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  • Workaround for using macOS Big Sur with Jaspersoft Studio Community Edition 6.16.0 or Jaspersoft Studio Professional Edition 7.9.0

    • Features: User Interface Version: v7.9.0 Product: Jaspersoft® Studio


    If you are currently running Jaspersoft Studio Community Edition 6.16.0 or Jaspersoft Studio Professional Edition 7.9.0, you may encounter UI problems and other issues when using these versions on macOS X BigSur. This particular platform is only supported starting from Eclipse 4.18 (https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=572974). Jaspersoft Studio Community Edition 6.16.0 and Jaspersoft Studio Professional Edition 7.9.0 are built on earlier versions of Eclipse.

    Refer to the following sections for workarounds that will allow macOS Big Sur to properly run these versions.

    Workaround for Jaspersoft Studio Community Edition 6.16.0

    If you encounter issues with the Design Editor or Preview in Jaspersoft Studio Community 6.16.0 on macOS Big Sur, use this workaround. 

    Download the following patch files: 

    To apply the patches, perform the following steps:

    1. Stop the Jaspersoft Studio Community 6.16.0 instance.

    2. Locate the installation directory of Jaspersoft Studio: /Applications/TIBCO Jaspersoft Studio 6.16.0.app/

    3. Use the context menu item "Show Package Content" or navigate via terminal to the following sub-folder: /Applications/TIBCO Jaspersoft Studio 6.16.0.app/Contents/Eclipse/plugins

    4. Add the "com.jaspersoft.studio.patch_swt_6.16.0.js-patch01.jar" and "net.sf.jasperreports.patch_swt_6.16.0.js-patch01.jar" files via command line or using Finder

    5. Restart Jaspersoft Studio normally and verify the problems are solved.

    6. If the problem appears to be still there, try restarting Jaspersoft Studio using the "-clean" flag in order to clear any possible OSGI and Eclipse runtime information that might have been cached and related to the plug-ins. The flag can be removed on the next startup, because it usually has impact on startup times.

    SAMPLE USAGE: ./JaspersoftStudio -clean (inside the /Applications/TIBCO Jaspersoft Studio 6.16.0.app/Contents/MacOS directory)

    Workaround for Jaspersoft Studio Professional Edition 7.9.0

    If you encounter issues with the Design Editor in Jaspersoft Studio Profession 7.9.0 on macOS Big Sur, use this workaround. 

    Download the hotfix zip file attached in this article.

    To apply the hotfix, perform the following steps

    1. Stop the Jaspersoft Studio Professional 7.9.0 instance.

    2. Locate the installation directory of Jaspersoft Studio Professional: /Applications/TIBCO Jaspersoft Studio 7.9.0 Pro.app/

    3. Use the context menu item "Show Package Content" or navigate via terminal to the following sub-folder: /Applications/TIBCO Jaspersoft Studio 7.9.0 Pro.app/Contents/Eclipse/plugins

    4. Replace the existing "com.jaspersoft.studio_7.9.0.final.jar" and "net.sf.jasperreports_7.9.0.final.jar" files via command line or using Finder.

    5. Restart Jaspersoft Studio normally and verify the problem is solved in the interaction with the Design Editor.

    6. If the problem appears to be still there, try restarting Jaspersoft Studio using the "-clean" flag in order to clear any possible OSGI and Eclipse runtime information that might have been cached and related to plug-ins. The flag can be removed on the next startup, because it usually has impact on startup times.

    SAMPLE USAGE: ./JaspersoftStudioProfessional -clean (inside the /Applications/TIBCO Jaspersoft Studio 7.9.0 Pro.app/Contents/MacOS directory)


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    Hi Joe,

    I'm using net.sf.jasperreports 6.3.0 in my project, and using Jaspersoft Studio 6.4.0 to create/edit the reports.

    But in my MAC Bigsur, this version Jaspersoft Studio 6.4.0 doesn`t work properly, and I CAN'T upgrade the versions I'm using.

    I'm trying to create new reports meanwhile using the latest version from Jaspersoft Studio 6.17.0, but I'm afraid to face issues in the compilation because of that.

    Any thoughts?


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    Hi Claudia, you are using a very old version of Jaspersoft Studio and there is no way to make it work in BigSur. The Eclipse platform it is built on is very old. The first officially supported is 4.18 as mentioned in the article.
    I think your version should not even start, or if it does it the perspective is completely screwed up. This is what I remember when I tried a JSS version based on Eclipse platform older than 4.14.

    My advice is to give it a try using Jaspersoft Studio 6.17.0 and set the compatibility mode for example to 6.3.0, the same version of JR you are using. 
    You can find the property in Preferences > Jaspersoft Studio > Compatibility page. Set the correct value in the "Version" combo box: this should help giving you "good" JRXML source files.
    After that, you could try to compile the jrxml files using the JR library itself. 

    I suppose this is the safest way to proceed.


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    Hi Massimo, thanks a lot for the explanation. 

    I know this is a very old version, the project in general is using other older versions and I'm not confident to just upgrade it right now.

    I'm already using the Jaspersoft Studio 6.17.0, and it is compiling and running ok the reports without this compatibily mode, I wonder what difference would make changing this configuration. Would you know it?




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    It's just to be sure that your JRXML source is compatible with the wanted version, 6.3.0 in this case. If it works for now, then fine. But you know that there is this option in JSS.

    With the changes in JR library it can be that new properties/attributes are added/removed etc. I can think for example to the compatibility problems when the UUID attribute was introduced back years ago.
    To be more specific with the changes from version to version, you should check the release notes and probably we should ping the JR team for the internal details of possible disruptive changes.


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    Oh, I got it. Probably I still didn't face many problems because I started creating very simple reports (only for test purposes for now). I would maybe face it in the future, so I'll make sure to change the compatibilty value, just in case.

    Thanks a lot for your explanation, and for your time.

    Claudia :) 

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    The link to the patch are indeed broken. Jaspersoft Studio CE 6.17 or newer or Jaspersoft Studio Pro 8 include the patch, I'd highly recommend to upgrade since they are backward compatible and will still allow you to compile reports with older versions of JasperReports.

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