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  • Overview

    Jaspersoft® Studio is provided with some translation like English, but if you want to translate, we provide all the tools to allow a not technical user to create their own translation.

    How the translation strings are stored

    The following information are not strictly necessary to start with the translation process, and are intended only if you want to know how the internationalization system works, otherwise you can skip this paragraph and go to the next one. The Jaspersoft Studio translation is based on the eclipse's internationalization standard, this means that there are more files with the .properties extension. Each of this file has inside one or more rows in the that in the form key = value. The key and the equal symbol must be untouched, since they are used internally from the application and are not visible in any part of the user interface. The value is a string that is displayed by the application and it can be changed. So essentially the procedure explained in this tutorial will extract all the properties files used by Jaspersoft Studio and then they must be edited changing every value string.

    Start with the translation

     The first thing to do is start the translation wizard, to do this open Jaspersfot Studio and click File -> New -> Other...


    The new project wizard will be opened, expand the category Resource Bundle and select Resources Translation, the hit Next.


    At this point you will have all the resources that are available for the translation process, every group of elements with a name that start like "com.jaspersoft.studio" represent a collection of one or more files that contains the text used inside Jaspersoft Studio. There are many files because they are used inside different locations of the application, for example there are the files that contains the text for the data adapter, for the advanced components (table, crosstab, chart...), for the connection to the server. If you select an element you can see on the right some information about it, this is useful to understand what certain files contains. However select all the category that belong to Jaspersoft Studio (selecting a category is like selecting every element inside it) and hit Next.


    Now you must define a translation project, you can select an already existing translation project or simply type a name for a new one. You can see a checkbox that by default is selected, leave it selected because doing this at the end of the wizard inside the project will be created an organized folder structure (otherwise all the files will be put inside the project into the same folder) that will avoid name clashes, since the folder structure reflect in some way how the files are organized inside the application itself.

    Then you must select the target language of the translation using the  combo box or typing it directly and then press add. You can add more than one language, by doing this at the end of the wizard will be created the file structure to handle all the added languages. So add every language you want then press Finish.


    Now the structure of the project will be created with inside every file you need to translate, plus this files will have inside the original English text that should be translated. To translate a file double click on it and it will be opened in the editor, then you can select every string inside the file to see the original English text then translate them into your target language.


    Next Steps

    If you want to install your and start to use it you can follow the How to install a Jaspersoft Studio Translation tutorial. Then if you want to know how to publish the translation plese follow the How to publish a Jaspersoft Studio translation tutorial.

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    como realizar la traduccion de jasper estudio version 6 a español

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