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  • Hiding the JIVE interactive column marker symbol using custom css

    • Features: JasperReports Server, Reports Version: v7.5 Product: JasperReports® Server


    In a report with a table component, there are JIVE interactivity options which allows for filtering, sorting, formatting as well as a marker for column width resize by dragging the column side ways. How do we hide the icon (which resembles an "upside down triangle") that marks the column width ?



    The icon for column width resizing is rendered by the dragMarker.png located internally in the jasperreports-6.11.0.jar at location:


    In order to hide this column marker, it can be overriden through javascript inside the overrides_custom.css file of a custom theme. The idea is to reduce the icon pixel width and height to a small enough value that renders it non-visible, such as 1px.  


    #jive_marker_icon {
        background: url(/jasperserver-pro/reportresource/reportresource?resource=net/sf/jasperreports/components/headertoolbar/resources/images/jive/dragMarker.png);
        width: 10px;
        height: 16px;
        position: relative;
        top: -16px;
        left: -10px;


    body #jive_marker_icon {
        background: url(/jasperserver-pro/reportresource/reportresource?resource=net/sf/jasperreports/components/headertoolbar/resources/images/jive/dragMarker.png);
        width: 1px;
        height: 1px;
        position: relative;
        top: -16px;
        left: -10px;

    Note: With the tracing through FireFox dev console (F12) Inspector tab and by navigating the JIVE interactive menu, you would be able to locate the relevant javascript under the <div> jive_components.


    1. Create a custom theme folder under Public -> Themes

    2. Upload to the custom theme folder using File -> CSS, the overrides_custom.css containing the modified javascript

    3. Set the custom theme as the active theme.

    Attached are screenshots illustrating a Report with the Firefox Inspector tab being effected by overrides_custom.css file.



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