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  • Jaspersoft Studio Features

    Giulio Toffoli
    • Edited on:
    • Version: v8.1, v8.0, v7.9 Product: Jaspersoft® Studio

    Jaspersoft Studio Now Available!  Download Now

    New features

    (not available in iReport)
    • A new powerful expression editor with the ability of using built-in functions and create new ones     
    • Style inheritance view
    • Contextual help available through the application
    • Samples available via "New project" wizard.
    • Native support for data adapters (allowing to have editors/fields provider already during report creation)
    • Enhanced dataset & query dialog that allows to do more than the iReport "Report Query" dialog. I.e: You can directly play/change the data adapters.
    • Copy-paste in JRS plugin that allows you to copy/move stuff easily
    • Improved mechanism to handle the report published and modified on the server
    • Ability to specify properties/preferences per workspace/project/file
    • Ability to provide size and position values by using measure units other than pixels (i.e. by typing '0.5 cm')
    • Better classpath management
    • Improved (pixel) precision when designing report (specially when using high zoom)
    • Improved way to create element. In iReport you have to click on the palette, keep pressed and drop element on the editor. In JSS you can click and simply drop or better you can decide and draw the initial size of your component (very useful).
    • More appealing properties. Usage of fancy dialogs and tabbed properties sheet instead of the "flat" iReport properties window similar to the new "Advanced" properties tab
    • Support for projects
    • Improved execution environment. The execution environment provides accurate report execution statistics like record number, file size, execution and running time.
    • Reports are generated in an asynchronous way, allowing to preview almost immediately the first pages of very large reports and to cancel long running reports any time. Partially rendered pages are refreshed as the page changes during execution without having to wait until report has been fully generated.
    • Ability to run an interactive report and view it inside the Jaspersoft Studio integrated web report viewer
    • Ability to write and test JR components and DataAdapters in Eclipse and test it directly in Jasperosft Studio installed as Eclipse plugin
    • Ability to manage support for fonts and custom components per project



    • Fully dockable and configurable interface that supports localization
    • Unlimited undo/redo support
    • Visual designer with drag and drop
    • Elements and tools palette for quick access
    • Report inspector gives structured view of all report objects
    • Property view to edit the main object properties
    • Advanced Property sheet to edit all the object properties
    • Built-in expression editor with syntax highlighting
    • Integrated preview
    • XML editor for report source
    • Database explorer

    Report Layout

    • Support for input parameters
    • Variables to perform calculations at different report levels including sum, average, count, min/max, custom calculations, and standard deviation
    • Multiple sections and multiple details
    • Groups with multiple headers and footers
    • Support for multiple datasets and subreports
    • Customizable page format with support for multiple columns
    • Complete set of charts including Pie, Pie3D, Bar, Bar3D, XyBar, StackedBar, StackedBar3D, Line, XyLine, Area, XyArea, Scatter, Bubble, TimeSeries, HighLow, Candlestick, Thermometer, Meter, Gantt and multiple-series charts.
    • Graphic elements including frames, lines, rectangles, round rectangles, and ellipses
    • Label and text fields with support for HTML and RTF formatting
    • Crosstab elements
    • Support for custom components including barcodes, lists and flash-based charts
    • Dynamic page break and multiple page numbering
    • Support for styles and conditional styles
    • Support for scriptlets
    • Ability to write report expressions in Java, Groovy and Javascript
    • Element grouping
    • Report internationalization and localization


    • Large set of report templates ready to use or customize with the report wizard
    • Support for custom templates
    • Ability to import template libraries
    • Chart themes editor
    • Styles editor
    • Styles library
    • Template thumbnail creation tool

    Export and Preview

    • Integrated preview
    • Export to PDF, HTML, XHTML, XLS, RTF, DOCX, Text, CSV, OpenOffice, XML, PNG.
    • Ability to execute a report using different Locales and Time Zones
    • Support for report virtualizers to run reports requiring large amounts of memory
    • Large set of export options for each document format
    • Auto compilation of subreports
    • Configurable JasperReports properties
    • Support for multiple character encodings
    • PDF password protection and encryption
    • Optional HTML header and footer
    • Automatically launch external viewers

    Report Designer

    • Magnetic guide lines
    • Grid and snap to grid features
    • Position, align, and resize elements using mouse or keyboard
    • Contextual menu for common operations
    • Resizable bands
    • Zoom in, zoom out
    • Multi-metrics rules
    • Drag objects from the report inspector and from the palette into the designer
    • Multiple element selection options
    • Copy and paste elements and formats
    • Large set of formatting tools to align, resize and format elements
    • Real time design error detection
    • Compatibility mode to save a report using a specific version of JasperReports
    • Crosstab designer
    • Table Designer

    Designing Tools

    • Report wizard to quickly create new reports
    • Subreport wizard to create/add/bind a new report to another report
    • Group wizard to group data and create group headers and footers
    • Hyperlink editor
    • Padding and borders editor
    • Pattern editor to format numbers and dates
    • Palette tools including current date, page number, page X of Y, total pages, and percentages
    • Wizard for creating internal variables

    Data Sources and Data Adapters

    • Support for all relational databases accessible via JDBC
    • Support for a large set of data sources including local and remote XML files, arrays and collections of Java Beans, CSV files, Hibernate connections, EJBQL connections, XMLA servers, custom data sources and JRDataSourceProviders
    • Built-in support for SQL, HQL (Hibernate Query Language), MDX and XPath
    • Field mapping tools for Java Beans, XML and CSV files
    • Automatic discovery of SQL fields
    • Ability to use multiple data sources with list components and subreports
    • Database explorer

    JasperServer Integration

    • Full integration with JasperServer
    • Ability to explore the JasperServer repository
    • Report publishing wizard
    • Configure multiple servers
    • Resource editing and report publishing tools
    • Support for editing reports remotely
    • Drag and drop repository resources into reports
    • Drill down helper tool
    • Remote report execution with integrated preview
    • Support for JasperServer input controls

    See Also:


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