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  • Is it possible to connect to S3 storage from TIBCO JasperReports Server for AWS

    • Version: v6.4.0 Product: JasperReports® Server

    Can TIBCO JasperReports® Server for AWS intances connect to S3?

    Currently there is no direct connector for S3.

    Data can be stored in various formats in S3 storage (XML, CSV etc.) and there are some things you can do to report on that data, like loading it to Redshift or using Amazon EMR. Please refer to Amazon documentation for more details on this service:


    Jaspersoft team is considering creating a connector, but we do not have any good use cases. If you have any use cases and/or suggestions, feel free to submit those in the Answers section of this website:


    or if you have a Support subscription feel free to contact TIBCO Jaspersoft Support:


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