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  • Welcome to the iReport Designer tutorial archive.
    With the new website, we have updated old tutorials and are in the process of adding new ones.
    If you want to see your tutorials published here, send us an email.

    Getting Started

    These tutorials explain the basics notions to understand how iReport Designer works. They are highly recommended, especially to new users.

    An introduction to the iReport Designer user interface

    Create your first report in a few seconds

    How to compile and export reports

    How to execute a report in your Java application


    A collection of tutorials that will help you get more out of in iReport Designer

    Simple tutorial about how to create a chart

    Simple tutorial about using report parameters

    Simple tutorial about using report variables

    This tutorial explains how to create a report to be used as a template for new files

    All you need to know about the subreports

    How to simplify expressions using Groovy instead of Java

    This tutorial explains how to use XML and XPath to create a report using an XML file as data source

    Simple tutorial about using XPath2 query language to use a remote XML file as data source

    Community Contributions

    If you made a cool report with iReport Designer, show the world how you did it.

    Send us an email and we'll post your tutorial here.

    Professional Services and Commercial Support from Jaspersoft




    Jaspersoft publishes the iReport Designer Ultimate Guide which explains a lot of the features of iReport Designer. This is the best option to learn how to master iReport Designer. The most current version covers all of the basics and most of the new features available in the 3.5.x up to 3.7.x series.

    Official Manuals

    irug.png.1be7c8ca0abe0eaceb31ae03bab9043c.pngiReport Designer Ultimate Guidejrug.png.b7c37c20e10e88d077ad9d9e1f954003.pngJasperReports Ultimate Guide

    Check out all the Documentation from Jaspersoft.

    Other books about iReport Designer and JasperReports

    packt_ireport37.png.f66ae2d2eac10a4db8574730d41c7371.pngiReport Designer 3.7irdg.png.232228ef3f329407d005c78a614d29d4.pngiReport Designer Definitive Guidejr_for_developers.png.a7ab7d1048ff11db0880382ea3d7fc9c.pngJasperReports 3.5 for Java Developers

    iReport Designer Podcast

    icon.png.35461a385c424188541cc1cc635bcccc.pngEpisode 1
    An introduction to iReport Designer
    How to create a connection
    icon.png.77a5ee3419afb3a3e75e703411ae6867.pngEpisode 2
    Creating a simple report
    icon.png.6e5da94435e9375a5f8ec2d0d98f8921.pngEpisode 3
    How to build iReport Designer from source
    icon.png.c6575ba29ad528a0edaaa8aaf1c5b320.pngEpisode 4
    How to use the template chooser and create
    new custom templates
    icon.png.15940fea7c86e0be770c869bf6d61986.pngEpisode 5
    Using Charts Pro with iReport Designer Professional


    Other Video Tutorials

    star.png.35784995eed0b46b6b03cb3c96d1b675.pngiReport Designer and TEIID

    TEIID is part of JBoss. It's a data virtualization system that allows applications to use data from multiple, heterogenous data stores. This demo shows a single report created in iReport Designer accessing data in MySQL and Oracle.


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