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  • How to delete schedules under a user from backend from the database side in a single attempt

    Anuja Vilas Bhujbal
    • Product: JasperReports® Server



    If you want to delete all the schedules under a user in a single attempt directly from the database, the below workaround can be helpful.



    The jobs can be deleted from the backed using database but this is not an officially 'supported' solution. However, based on my tests the following set of DELETE commands should remove the jobs from the database completely:


    DELETE FROM jireportjoboutputformat WHERE report_job_id IN (SELECT id FROM jireportjob j WHERE j.owner = 1)

    DELETE FROM jireportjobmailrecipient WHERE destination_id IN (SELECT mail_notification FROM jireportjob j WHERE j.owner = 1);

    DELETE FROM jireportjobmail WHERE id IN (SELECT mail_notification FROM jireportjob j WHERE j.owner = 1);

    DELETE FROM jireportjobcalendartrigger WHERE id IN (SELECT job_trigger FROM jireportjob j WHERE j.owner = 1);

    DELETE FROM jireportjobparameter WHERE job_id IN (SELECT id FROM jireportjob j WHERE j.owner = 1);

    DELETE FROM jireportjob WHERE owner = 1


    Please keep in mind that this is not one of the supported solutions and you will be running it at your own risk. It is highly recommended that you create a backup of your database before making any changes to it. You can replace the owner id by the id of the user for which you want to delete the jobs. You can refer to the user id from the jiuser table from the jasperserver database.


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