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  • Get Involved (JasperReports Server)

    Giulio Toffoli
    • Product: JasperReports® Server

    Get Involved

    As an open source project, JasperReports Server is the result of contributions from individuals like you. There are many ways you can contribute to the JasperReports Server project. The simple action of providing feedback and ideas for new features is a valuable contribution.



    Here are some concrete ways you can improve JasperReports Server:

    Start Here! Get a JasperForge account



     The first thing you need is a free JasperForge.org account. You need it to write on forums, submit bugs, patches, get in touch with the developers, and much more.  Currently, we are working on an improved version of JasperBabylon, the tool for translating Jaspersoft products and keeping track of the translations status. Here is a guide about how to translate JasperReports Server.

    Report a Bug


    Extension Development

     If you think you have found a bug in JasperReports Server, or something is not working as expected, fill out a bug in the tracker.  If you're a Java developer, you can create new features and functionality for JasperReports Server using the APIs. You don't even need to work on the core code, even if patches are really welcome. You can just write your own extension - a custom data source, an output type, new pages. Read the extension development page to learn how.

    Request Enhancements


    Submit a patch

     If you're missing a feature, and you think it might be useful to many other users, fill out an enhancement request in the tracker. The procedure is the same as filling out a bug.  If you want to provide new core features or a fix for bugs, you can submit a patch. Use the tracker to do it, we will review your code and include it in the main distribution.

    Help Out in the Forums


    Spread the word about JasperReports Server!

     Many people learn how to use JasperReports Server just by browsing on the JasperReports Server forum. There are many skilled community members answering questions every day. Get answers to your questions or become the next expert.  This is probably the most important way to contribute to the project: be an JasperReports Server evangelist! Talk about JasperReports Server in your blog, on Facebook, on Twitter and anywhere you think there are people interested in using it. If you want to talk about JasperReports Server in your local Java user group or at a conference, just let us know, we will provide you material and help to prepare your presentation and be successful. You can write to marketing@jaspersoft.com for more details.

    Documentation and Tutorials

     JasperReports Server is a complex application. Documentation and tutorials are very important to help new users to get started and quickly become productive. Every JasperReports Server user has felt at least once the need for more documentation. You can fill in the blanks just by writing a simple tutorial. If every contributor would write just one of them, we would have enough tutorials to publish an entire book. A tutorial about what? Tutorials about any aspect of using JasperReports Server would currently be useful. You may share your experience about using JasperReports Server in a particular environment or maybe you have some good practices when designing reports that you can share with other people. The JasperReports Server Wiki is the place to show the community your insights

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