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  • Exporting a real PowerPoint table

    Dhiraj Pahlani
    • Features: Exporters Version: v9.0.0 Product: JasperReports® Server

    Currently, if we export a JasperReports table to PowerPoint format, interactive or not, each value is an individual element. We would like the table to become a real PowerPoint table so that we can manipulate it exactly as if the table is created from PowerPoint. How to achieve this requirement?

    With JasperReports Server 9.0.0, we can export JRXML reports as real DOCX and PowerPoint tables instead of individual cell elements. It is recommended to upgrade to this current latest version of the product to achieve the above mentioned requirement.

    Attaching one .docx file and one .pptx file exported from a 9.0.0 instance for reference.
    Ref. Case #02249429

    Table_PPTX.docx Table_PPTX_new.pptx

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