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  • Change the default local in the schedule output options

    Anuja Vilas Bhujbal
    • Features: Scheduler Product: JasperReports® Server


    In the Output option of the schedule editor, when we try to create a new schedule we can the output locale is seen as the default. Sometimes, it can be confusing to users and you might want the output locale to be seen same as that used when you log in to the Jasperserver. 


    To achieve this requirement, you will need to make changes in the <tomcat>jasperserver-proscriptsruntime_dependenciesjrs-uisrcschedulertemplateeditoroutputTabTemplate.htm file. Please locate the below line in the file and remove it or comment it out.


    <option value="" selected="">({{- i18n["report.scheduling.job.edit.output.locale.default"] }})</option>


    Below is the screenshot of the default output options tab of the Jasperserver schedule editor:



    After making the changes, the output locale will be seen as below as I had logged in to the jasperserver with en_GB locale:



    Also, as we are making changes in the javascripts folder, you will need to optimize the folder by referring to the below link if your jasperserver uses optimization.




    For testing purpose, you can turn off the optimization by making the setting javascript.optimize=false in the

    <js-webapp>/WEB-INF/js.config.properties file or by adding _opt=false to your Jasperserver URL. If the test works for you, you can optimize files altogether later using the documentation. 

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