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  • 500 Response (internal server error) and JasperReports Server login page does not work with Firefox and specific locale

    Paul Jimenez
    • Version: v7.1 Product: JasperReports® Server


    In a Firefox web browser, if you go to the log in and you have a specific locale (in this instance, it was the Dutch locale), a 500 Response (internal server error) appears and the JasperReports Server log in page does not work. Nothing works on the JasperReports server login page.



    This specific issue is caused by the file jquery.ui.datepicker-nl.js (this will be a specific locale. The Dutch locale is nl-NL). That specific file is located here:


    The two occurrences of $.datepicker.regional.nl should be $.datepicker.regional['nl']. Once these changes have been made, a server restart will have to be made for the changes to take effect.

    ref: 01658382

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