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which method can make a .jrml file to .jasper

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By: tomcat006 - cattomson

which method can make a .jrml file to .jasper

2004-08-25 07:01

i want to know which method can be used to compile a .jrxml file to .jasper file !!! and i can find this .jasper file in someplace of my disk!!


thank you !!!!



By: ErtanO - ertano

RE: which method can make a .jrml file to .ja

2004-08-27 03:25

Compilation is done in JasperReports and not in iReport itself.

with JasperReports Version >= 0.6.0




net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(srcFileName, destFileName);




By: tomcat006 - cattomson

RE: which method can make a .jrml file to .ja

2004-08-27 04:50

thank you !

but can you help me solve the prolblem in>>




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