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adding -Xmx100 java option to jasper run


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By: paul slagle - pjslagle

adding -Xmx100 java option to jasper run

2003-04-07 19:31

does anyone know how to override or add a java option to the run of the generated report.


i am running a report that loads a lot of data, and need to use the -Xmx100 option, but i can't seem to insert it.


thanks in advance for any help


P.S. the runtime command generated by ireport is:


C:j2sdk1.4.1_01binjava.exe -Dorg.xml.sax.driver=org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser IReportCompiler -c -pdf -jdriveroracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver -juserbok -jpasswdpassword -jurljdbc:oracle:thin:@edidb4:1521:ediwdb4 -query "select * from SELF_DUP_REPROTS" "C:downloadCopyDuplicatesCrossProvider.xml"






By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: adding -Xmx100 java option to jasper run

2003-04-09 12:02

You must modify the code....



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