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By: Joshua C. Arles - joshua_arles


2002-12-26 19:27

When i tried to create a new report this error occurred:


java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com/ms/wfc/ui/ImageList: method setColorDepth(I)V not found

at com/businesslogic/ireport/ui/ReportForm.initForm

at com/businesslogic/ireport/ui/ReportForm.<init>

at com/businesslogic/ireport/MainForm.menuItem2_click

at com/businesslogic/ireport/MainForm.buttonNew _button Click

at com/ms/wfc/core/EventHandler.invoke

at com/businesslogic/ireport/ui/GTImageButton.fireEvent

at com/businesslogic/ireport/ui/GTImageButton.onButton Click

at com/businesslogic/ireport/ui/GTImageButton.GTImage Button_mouseUp

at com/ms/wfc/ui/MouseEventHandler.invoke

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control.fireMouseEvent

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control.onMouseUp

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control.wmMouseUp

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control.wndProc

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control$ControlWindow.wndProc

at com/ms/wfc/app/Window.callback

at com/ms/wfc/win32/Windows.DispatchMessage

at com/ms/wfc/app/Application$ThreadContext.run MessageLoop

at com/ms/wfc/app/Application.run

at com/businesslogic/ireport/MainForm.main






By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: NoSuchMethodError:

2003-01-02 10:10

You must upgrade you ms jvm.

Search on forum to find a direct link to ms jvm package.

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