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JRBeanCollectionDataSource in Subreports

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By: Avinash - gavinash

JRBeanCollectionDataSource in Subreports

2003-01-06 16:15


I have a bean that I will be using a datasource to fill my reports. Some properties of the bean are other beans. My report would need to populate data from both the top level (parent) as well as the children. Do I have to use subreports necessarily for the portions of the report that has the data of the child or can I do something simpler.

All help is highly appreciated.


Thank You






By: Kjetil T. - kjetolle

RE: JRBeanCollectionDataSource in Subreports

2003-10-27 23:47

Hi, I'm having the same problem. I have made two separate reports using JRBeanCollectionDataSource. One bean in report A has one or many children in report B. As standalone both reports display correctly. I then tried to merge these two reports together, making A master and B subreport. Sadly with no luck so far.


I've also tried to put the report B level directly into report A by adding the children to the level A collector. This fails. Below is a skeleton of my report A. Can anyone tell me how to add the children to the parent, either by adding them to the bean collector or by using a subreport?



public class AvtaleRapport {

public static final String REPORT_NAME = "/resources/reports/TgAvtaleRapport.xml";

JasperReport jasperReport = null;

public AvtaleRapport() {



public AvtaleRapport(String reportName) {

InputStream in = AvtaleRapport.class.getResourceAsStream(reportName);

if (in == null) {

throw new IllegalArgumentException(reportName);


try {

jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(in);

} catch (JRException jre) {

throw new IllegalStateException("Error while compiling report: " + jre);



public void fillReport() throws EjbHomeFactoryException, javax.ejb.CreateException, javax.ejb.FinderException,

java.rmi.RemoteException {

Map parameters = new HashMap();

try {

//Get the bean collection

EjbHomeFactory ejbHomeFactory = EjbHomeFactory.getFactory();

AvtaleAfHome avtaleAfHome =

(AvtaleAfHome) ejbHomeFactory.lookUpHome(AvtaleAfHome.class);

List collector = new ArrayList();

AvtaleLevdbAltVO avtAltVO = avtaleAf.finnAvtaleLevdbAltVO(new Integer(82), new Integer(1));

collector .add(avtAltVO);


JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameters,

new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(collector));


JasperViewer.viewReport(jasperPrint, false);

} catch (JRException jre) {

throw new IllegalStateException(jre);





Here's a skeleton of my report A





By: Sumedh - stamhane

RE: JRBeanCollectionDataSource in Subreports

2004-07-04 06:20

put the jar file in which the class u want to use exists into the web-inf/lib folder





By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: JRBeanCollectionDataSource in Subreports

2003-01-07 07:08




No, you don't have to use subreports for that.

All you have to know is that the

JRBeanCollectionDataSource uses Java reflection

based on the JavaBeans method conventions

to retrieve field values.

If you know that some of the parent bean "get"

methods return other beans (children), then you

can declare report fields of class Object and cast

them to the approapriate class. This way you could

call methods on them in the report expressions.

Report expressions are real Java expressions, remember ?


Taking this to the extreme, you could give up using

any build-in data source and create you own data

source which returns only one field, which is always

the current parent bean. You cast it to the corresponding class and call any get method you

might want on it, being able to navigate even to its

child objects.


I hope this makes sens and helps.







By: Salman Khattak - khattaksd

JRBeanCollectionDataSource Teodord / CBox

2004-06-30 20:32

I am stuck in this situtaion:

To use 'casting' for fields, I believe the class should be in the classpath both at compilation and filling time. I am using Jasper in a webapp, where the classpath would not be set. Is there a way out of this rock and a hard place?







By: primarykey - primarykey

RE: JRBeanCollectionDataSource in Subreports

2004-07-20 00:50

I have a problem like you told and I tried to use JRBeanCollectionDataSource. My bean and child bean has been seen correctly in the report. But I couldn't understand how to show my grandchild beans in the report. Can you send a sample report and CustomDataSource implementation for this?

My report style is:

Parent Bean

--Child Bean1



--Child Bean2







By: MLA - dozylocal

RE: JRBeanCollectionDataSource in Subreports

2004-11-02 05:07

This may sound like a silly question, but how/where does one cast the fields to the correct class? In the XML?





"If you know that some of the parent bean "get"

methods return other beans (children), then you

can declare report fields of class Object and cast

them to the approapriate class. This way you could

call methods on them in the report expressions. "

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