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Parameter Calculation

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By: F. Harasleben - friedrichh

Parameter Calculation

2006-07-14 05:58

Would it be possible to calculate a parameter based on another parameter, to be used in the datasource:


like reports gets parameter P=2006

and P1 should be P1=P-1






By: Lucian Chirita - lucianc

RE: Parameter Calculation

2006-07-14 06:04

Yes, you can use the default value expression of the parameter to do this. Note that the order of the parameters matters, you will need to declare P1 after P.






By: F. Harasleben - friedrichh

RE: Parameter Calculation

2006-07-17 00:37



I tried but now get the following error (I am using iReports 0.5.0 to create/compile my reports) when creating the query based on the reports: "General problem: Source file: inline evaluation of: ....."


What I did is:

create a string parameter P_ACC_YEAR and a secont parameter P_AM_CY_FROM based on the first one default expr = "01.01.".concat($P{P_ACC_YEAR})


when I use "01.01.".concat("2006") instead it works.





By: Lucian Chirita - lucianc

RE: Parameter Calculation

2006-07-17 07:31

Could you be more specific, i.e. post relevant JRXML fragments (parameter definitions) and the full exception stack trace?



By: F. Harasleben - friedrichh

RE: Parameter Calculation

2006-07-17 07:54

This are the parameter definitions

<parameter name="P_ACC_YEAR" isForPrompting="false" class="java.lang.String">

<defaultValueExpression ><![CDATA["2006"]]></defaultValueExpression>


<parameter name="P_AM_YEAR_FROM" isForPrompting="false" class="java.lang.String">

<defaultValueExpression ><![CDATA["01.01.".concat($P{P_ACC_YEAR})]]></defaultValueExpression>




The excetion comes from iReports, when trying to read the fields for the Query.




By: Lucian Chirita - lucianc

RE: Parameter Calculation

2006-07-17 08:37

Does this exception originate in the JasperReport engine or is it an iReport related exception?


In the latter case, I think you should post a question on the iReport forum.


Otherwise, I'd need the exception stack trace to tell what's wrong.



By: F. Harasleben - friedrichh

RE: Parameter Calculation

2006-07-18 01:22

I think it comes from iReport (not quite sure) and I already posted a question there - but no answers so far.


In the meantime I change the logic of my report and intstead of calculating nested parameters I do the calculation in the SQL query itself - and this works without problem.


Anyway thanks very much for your help.

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