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compiling report templates

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By: sid - z036816

compiling report templates

2006-06-25 17:54

I'm going to include jasperreports in my web application. I have a question where to put the following lines








I suppose this has to be executed only once. I'm wondering whats the best practice? to place it in servlets init() method or manually compile and put the .jasper file in EAR package


Thanks in advance



By: vertebreaker - vertebreaker

RE: compiling report templates

2006-06-26 10:04

I have the .jrxml and .jasper (compiled with jasperassistant or iReports) in the ear.

It tries to load the .jasper when executing a report, but it compiles if no .jasper is found (done with code).

It takes some time compiling.



By: sid - z036816

RE: compiling report templates

2006-06-26 18:29

I use ant to build EAR file. how do u compile with jasperassistant in build.xml? is there an ant task? can u put some code please.


I have an idea of writing java class to compile xml , then i would compile that during the ear build. does that make sense?





By: vertebreaker - vertebreaker

RE: compiling report templates

2006-06-27 12:59

I can´t see an ant task, I haven´t done it.

I just install jasperassistant and use it, preview to compile to .jasper.


But in case, I make compile the .jrxml when the .jasper is not found. Then I use a java class.


private String compilar(){


try {

File classpath= new File(this.servlet.getServletConfig().getServletContext().getRealPath("/WEB-INF/"));


System.setProperty("jasper.reports.compile.class.path",classpath.getPath()+"/lib/jasperreports-1.0.2.jar"+ System.getProperty("path.separator") + classpath.getPath()+"/classes/");

System.out.println("Compilando reporte: "+reporte.getNombreReporteXML());



} catch (JRException e) {


} catch (Exception e){



return reporte.getNombreReporteJasper();



Where reporte.nombreReporteJasper is String containing the .jasper file name, and reporte.nombreReporteXML is a String containing the .jrxml file name....

Something like:

File reportToCompile= new File(this.servlet.getServletConfig().getServletContext().getRealPath("/public/reports/MyReport.jrxml"));



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