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Asking for help with translation

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By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

Asking for help with translation

2004-10-08 12:49




I'm preparing the new version of the library which

will introduce I18n support.

There is a new sample that will show how this new

feature works and I'm trying to generate the same

sample report in several languages.


And since I need help with the translation I decided

that the best place to ask for help is the help forum

here at sourceforge.


I need the following paragraph to be translated in

German, Spanish and Portuguese. I'll be dealing with

the French translation myself.


"JasperReports is a powerful open source Java

reporting tool that has the ability to deliver rich

content onto the screen, to the printer or into

PDF, HTML, XLS, CSV and XML files.

It is entirely written in Java and can be used in

a variety of Java enabled applications, including J2EE

or Web applications, to generate dynamic content.

Its main purpose is to help creating page oriented,

ready to print documents in a simple and flexible



Feel free to adapt the text if it needs to sound better

in that particular language.


Also, I'll be needing the translation in the same

3 languages for the viewer resource bundle properties

that follow:





first.page=First Page

previous.page=Previous Page

next.page=Next Page

last.page=Last Page

go.to.page=Go To Page

actual.size=Actual Size

fit.page=Fit Page

fit.width=Fit Width

zoom.in=Zoom In

zoom.out=Zoom Out

zoom.ratio=Zoom Ratio



no.pages=The document has no pages.

error.saving=Error saving document. See the console for details.

error.printing=Error printing report. See the console for details.

error.loading=Error loading report. See the console for details.

error.hyperlink=Error encoutered when following hyperlink. See the console for details.

error.displaying=Error displaying report page. See the console for details.



Contributions will be acknowledged in the sample.


Thank you,







By: Paulo Soares - psoares33

RE: Asking for help with translation

2004-10-08 13:27

Here's a Portuguese (from Portugal) translation.


"JasperReports éµma poderosa ferramenta Open Source de cria磯 de relat󲩯s que tem a capacidade de gerar conte?complexos para o ecran, para a impressora ou em ficheiros PDF, HTML, XLS, CSV e XML.

Éescrita inteiramente em Java e pode ser usada numa variedade de aplicaçµ¥s compatí¶¥is com Java, incluindo J2EE ou aplicaçµ¥s Web, para gerar conte?dinâ­©cos.

O objectivo principal é¡judar a criar documentos, paginados e prontos a imprimir, de uma maneira simples e flexí¶¥l"





first.page=Primeira P᧩na

previous.page=P᧩na Anterior

next.page=Pr󸩭a P᧩na

last.page=ڬtima P᧩na

go.to.page=Ir Para P᧩na

actual.size=Tamanho Actual

fit.page=Ajustar ?P᧩na

fit.width=Ajustar ?Largura

zoom.in=Aproximar Zoom

zoom.out=Afastar Zoom

zoom.ratio=Rela磯 De Zoom



no.pages=O documento nã¯tem p᧩nas.

error.saving=Erro a guardar documento. Ver a consola para detalhes.

error.printing=Erro a imprimir relat󲩯. Ver a consola para detalhes.

error.loading=Erro a carregar relat󲩯. Ver a consola para detalhes.

error.hyperlink=Erro no seguimento de hyperlink. Ver a consola para detalhes.

error.displaying=Erro na visualiza磯 da p᧩na do relat󲩯. Ver a consola para detalhes.


Best Regards,

Paulo Soares





By: Leslie^_^ - lesliewuz

RE: Asking for help with translation

2004-10-09 21:58

What about Chinese or Japanese?





By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: Asking for help with translation

2004-10-10 01:42




OK, if you can, send me the translation in other

languages, including asian.

I'll adapt the sample to accomodate as many translations as possible.




Thank you,


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