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JRBeanCollectionDataSource example

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By: donald - zhanghonggang

JRBeanCollectionDataSource example

2004-06-24 19:52

I want to use JRBeanCollectionDataSource,but I just donot how to write the jrxml file.Can anybody tell me where can I get one,or post it out here?






By: it-xman - it-xman

RE: JRBeanCollectionDataSource example

2004-09-30 20:14


Actually, you don't write that in jrxml. Instead, you write or implement that in a java program, like this:


JasperFillManager.fillReportToFile(fileName, parameters, new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(CustomBeanFactory.getBeanCollection()));


You can look at the jasper report samples - datasource to get what I mean. Look at custombean.java and custombeanfactory.java in the sample to understand the implementation of a javabean.

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