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Horizontal Columns by Group?

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By: Rich Johnson - rwj999

Horizontal Columns by Group?

2004-09-22 13:27

Hello all,


Is it possible to print data horizontally by group rather than by the detail record?


I have several records that contain a Category (Fruit, Vegetable, etc) and an Item (Apple, Carrot, etc)


I'm grouping on the category and have a detail section for each item


For example:


I would like the following layout


Fruit Vegetable

----- ---------

Apple Carrot

Orange Broccoli



Vehicle Tree

------- -------

Car Maple

Truck Poplar



With horizontal print order I get:




Apple Orange





Carrot Broccoli




Car Truck




Maple Poplar



With Vertical print order I get


Fruit Vechcle

----- --------

Apple Car

Orange Truck



Vegetable Truck

---------- ---------

Carrot Maple

Broccoli Poplar



While the vertical print order is close to what I want visually, I need my columns to read left to right, not up to down.


If anyone could shed some light on this I'd greatly appreciate it.


Thanks in advance







By: Rich Johnson - rwj999

RE: Horizontal Columns by Group?

2004-09-23 06:06

<br>Sorry, my previous post lost its formatting. Here it is again in HTML.<br><br>


<br>I would like the following layout<br><br>


<table width="30%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<th align="left">Fruit</th>

<th align="left">Vegetable</th>












<td> </td>


<tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr>

<tr><th align="left">Vehicle</th><th align="left">Tree</th></tr>










<td> </td>





<br>With horizontal print order I get:<br><br>


<table width="30%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<th align="left">Fruit</th>

<th align="left"> </th>








<td> </td>


<tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr>


<th align="left">Vegetable</th>

<td> </td>






<tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr>


<th align="left">Vehicle</th>

<td> </td>






<tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr>


<th align="left">Tree</th>

<td> </td>








<td> </td>




<br>With Vertical print order I get<br><br>


<table width="30%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<th align="left">Fruit</th>

<th align="left">Vehicle</th>












<td> </td>


<tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr>

<tr><th align="left">Vegetable</th><th align="left">Tree</th></tr>










<td> </td>




<br>While the vertical print order is close to what I want visually, I need my columns to read left to right, not up to down<br><br>

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