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CSV: Force quoting on some text fields

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By: Paul Stanton - wanto

CSV: Force quoting on some text fields

2006-06-12 18:39



I have a report which has a text field value of "098123". When it gets to csv it is exported as "...,098123,..." which is correct, but when i open this with excel the value is displayed as "98123" which is incorrect.


the only solution i can think of is to force quoting of this field when it gets to csv so that it exports ...,"098123",... intead.


is there a way to force quoting of some or all csv fields?



By: stone_cold - bssai

RE: CSV: Force quoting on some text fields

2006-06-13 05:56

Hi Paul,


Better why dont u use the same csv file and create an EXCEL file using JasperExportManager.exporttoXls() that gives u and excel file too.


I mean basically using a csv data source and map them to get a report.





By: Paul Stanton - wanto

RE: CSV: Force quoting on some text fields

2006-06-14 16:26

unfortunately excel (xls) is not an option.


and if it were, i would just export the report to xls not re-export the csv to xls.



By: Paul Stanton - wanto

RE: CSV: Force quoting on some text fields

2006-06-21 17:38

i have found out that it is impossible to get excel to display a csv file properly with leading zero's.


the only way to achieve this is to replace '00','00' with ='00',='00' and this is not technically csv.


therefore i am moving to using excel as the recommended export format as well as supporting csv output for non-excel users.



By: Lucian Chirita - lucianc

RE: CSV: Force quoting on some text fields

2006-06-15 00:14

There is currently no parameter to force quotes on CSV export, you could add a feature request for this.


In the meantime, you can extend JRCsvExporter and force the quotes in the extended exporter by overriding the prepareText method like this:


protected String prepareText(String source)


String text = super.prepareText(source);

if (text != null && (text.length() == 0 || text.charAt(0) != '"'))


text = '"' + text + '"';


return text;







By: ACSD - acdourado

RE: CSV: Force quoting on some text fields

2006-06-22 02:51



And there is a way to force that the quotes not appear in any fields, even the numeric ones? Or I have to extend JRCsvExporter class too?




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