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SubReports and Custom Datasources

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By: John Conner - conner_john

SubReports and Custom Datasources

2002-11-13 21:42

Is it possible to pass a custom datasource to sub-report by obtaining the sub-report data source from the parent data source? The example I am trying to get to work is included below (just the relevant portions):


I've tried several variations and dug into the code a bit to see if there was something I forgot to initialize. When I run this Parent Report, I can see that the CDS2 is being accessed (via the print statements) however, nothing from the sub-report is showing up in the PDF file when I open it. The parenet report prints two lines just like expect but nothing from the sub-report.


As a side note, when I generate just the SubReport compile/fill/pdf and pass it a CDS2 via the JasperFillManager.fillReportToFile, the report prints as expected. Am I trying to do something that Jasper Reports can't support right now or is my code at fault.


public class CDS1 implements JRDataSource{

private Object[][] data = {

{java.sql.Date.valueOf("2002-01-01"), "Test 1"},

{java.sql.Date.valueOf("2002-01-02"), "Test 2"}



public Object getFieldValue(JRField field) throws JRException {

Object value = null;


String fieldName = field.getName();


if ("dateField".equals(fieldName)) {

value = data[index][0];


else if ("description".equals(fieldName)) {

value = data[index][1];


else if ("subReportDataSource".equals(fieldName)){

value = new CDS2();



System.err.println("CD: field["+field+"] value["+value+"]");


return value;




public class CDS2 implements JRDataSource{


private Object[][] data = {

{"Item 1","Nothing"},

{"Item 2","Nothing"},

{"Item 3","Nothing"},

{"Item 4","Nothing"},

{"Item 5","Nothing"},

{"Item 6","Nothing"},

{"Item 7","Nothing"}



public Object getFieldValue(JRField field) throws JRException {

Object value = null;


String fieldName = field.getName();


if ("desc".equals(fieldName)) {

value = data[index][0];



System.err.println("I am getting["+field+"] value is["+value+"]");


return value;




With the following reports:

Section of the Parent Report:

<field name="dateField" class="java.util.Date"/>

<field name="description" class="java.lang.String"/>

<field name="subReportDataSource" class="java.lang.Object"/>



<band height="20">


<reportElement x="0" y="5" width="50" height="15"/>

<textElement textAlignment="Left"><font size="12"/></textElement>



<textField isBlankWhenNull="true">

<reportElement x="51" y="5" width="240" height="15"/>

<textElement textAlignment="Left"/>

<textFieldExpression class="java.util.Date">





<subreport isUsingCache="true">

<reportElement x="0" y="148" width="515" height="20"

forecolor="#FFFFFF" positionType="Float"/>




<subreportExpression class="java.lang.String">







Section from SubReport:

<field name="desc" class="java.lang.String"/>



<band height="20">


<reportElement x="0" y="5" width="50" height="15"/>

<textElement textAlignment="Left"><font size="12"/></textElement>

<text>Description: </text>


<textField isBlankWhenNull="true">

<reportElement x="51" y="5" width="240" height="15"/>

<textElement textAlignment="Left"/>











By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: SubReports and Custom Datasources

2002-11-14 12:56




I don't see you implementing the next() method of

the JRDataSource interface.

I'm sure it is there, otherwise your classes would

not compile.


I suspect the subreport behaves like its data source

has no records or it already reached the last record.


You could send me all your files to test them myself.



I hope this helps.







By: John Conner - conner_john

RE: SubReports and Custom Datasources

2002-11-14 13:45



Thanks for the reply and the offer to personally assist. When I was pulling the files together to send to you, I was compiling/filling/viewing them one last time to make sure I had the latest versions I had been working with and wouldn't you know it - I saw a mistake that once fixed made it work! If you take a look at the y coordinate for the subreport.reportElement it is set to 148 while the band height is set to 20.


Once I changed the band height - everything worked as expected. Guess I just needed a fresh pair of eyes looking at the error output.....


Also, sorry for the confusion, I do have a next() method in the data source objects. Just didn't include them for brevity....



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