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By: LL - lovelyliatroim


2004-08-06 08:28

Kinda relates back to my original problem



Trying to get the grand total of 3 sub-reports which each subreport returns back a value of there sub-total and i want to show the grand total in master report!!

Couldnt get a variable to add for me , i.e

($V{Total} = new Double($V{Total}.doubleValue() + new Double($P{ReturnedValuesMap}.get("RunningTotal").toString()).doubleValue()))

compiler didnt like it, think its because i had it as a textfield expression, can one add a variable and parameter together?? if so where should it be??


anyways, as a work around, cause i couldnt get variable + parameter to work i came up with a scriptlet to do it for me!! The plan being that every time a group had finished i would add the sub-total to the grand-total, but what i think is happening is this, each group contains a subreport ,when the afterGroupInit() is called i hoped that i would be able to get the value of the returned parameter and it to grand total before i moved off to next group(subreport), but when afterGroupInit() is called i think that the subreport hasnt even being run yet, and it moves off to the next group!! when afterGroupInit() is encountered, should the subreport in that group be called?? i think it doesnt!!


running out of ideas on this, how does one go about getting the grand total of 3 subreports which return there sub-totals??











By: Emmanuel Okyere - eokyere


2004-08-06 11:10

i have a problem that is related to this; what i'm trying to do is print a summary item for every item in the group... let's say i'm grouping according to $F{customerid}, i want to give a summary for each customer... the results per customer can span X number of pages (depending on how many records, which varies)


I can't use a group footer because I cannot control exact positioning with that, so I resulted to using a page footer, with a printWhenExpreesion as (Boolean.class, $V{printFooter}) -- use variable "printFooter" -- and pritFooter's variable expression is defined as (Boolean.class, new Boolean($V{printFooter}.booleanValue())


My intention was to use a scriplet to control the boolean value of printFooter, however, I've noticed the same thing you've noticed... which is the event callbacks (afterReportInit, beforePageInit etc) seem to be a bit off... i created a simple method in my scriplet which prints out if the group has changed (i have only one group)


private String yes() {

return ((JRFillGroup)groups[0]).hasChanged() ? " [yes] " : " [no] ";



I am calling this in all the events with a println on standard output and this is what the trace looks like:


call beforeReportInit [yes]

call beforePageInit : PAGE_NUMBER = null [yes]

call beforeColumnInit : printFooter = null [yes]

call beforeGroupInit [yes]

call afterGroupInit [yes]

call afterColumnInit [yes]

call afterPageInit : PAGE_NUMBER = 1 [yes]

call afterReportInit [no]

-> detail [no]

<- detail [no]

-> detail [no]

<- detail [no]

call beforePageInit : PAGE_NUMBER = 1 [no]

call beforeColumnInit : printFooter = false [no]

call afterColumnInit [no]

call afterPageInit : PAGE_NUMBER = 1 [no]

-> detail [no]

<- detail [no]

-> detail [no]

<- detail [no]

call beforePageInit : PAGE_NUMBER = 2 [no]

call beforeColumnInit : printFooter = false [no]

call afterColumnInit [no]

call afterPageInit : PAGE_NUMBER = 2 [no]

-> detail [no]

<- detail [no]

-> detail [no]

<- detail [no]

call beforePageInit : PAGE_NUMBER = 3 [no]

call beforeColumnInit : printFooter = false [no]

call afterColumnInit [no]

call afterPageInit : PAGE_NUMBER = 3 [no]

-> detail [no]

<- detail [no]

call beforeGroupInit [yes]

call afterGroupInit [yes]

call beforePageInit : PAGE_NUMBER = 4 [yes]

call beforeColumnInit : printFooter = true [yes]

call afterColumnInit [yes]

call afterPageInit : PAGE_NUMBER = 4 [yes]

-> detail [yes]

<- detail [yes]

call beforeGroupInit [yes]

call afterGroupInit [yes]

call beforePageInit : PAGE_NUMBER = 1 [yes]

call beforeColumnInit : printFooter = true [yes]

call afterColumnInit [yes]

call afterPageInit : PAGE_NUMBER = 1 [yes]

-> detail [yes]

<- detail [yes]

call beforeGroupInit [yes]

call afterGroupInit [yes]

call beforePageInit : PAGE_NUMBER = 1 [yes]

call beforeColumnInit : printFooter = true [yes]

call afterColumnInit [yes]

call afterPageInit : PAGE_NUMBER = 1 [yes]

-> detail [yes]

<- detail [yes]



(-> detail is beforeDetailEval, and <- is after)






As you can see, from the detail, I have 10 records coming in; the first 7 belong to the first customer id; the last 3 are spread across the last 3 customers (should result in hasChanged() returning "yes" 3 times, which is what happens)


I have made the detail bands large enough to only print 2 records per page (so I can spread a case like that of the first customer to make it print on the last page it appears on); I also start a new page when the group breaks.


The problem is, though I am resetting "printFooter" in the beforeGroupInit to Boolean.TRUE whenever I have a yes, the printWhen for the textFields I have in my report do not conform...


... I'm at the point where I could tear my hair out ;)


maybe (adding my voice to LL's) somebody has an idea out there?




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