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How to get the object handle of Elements?

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By: mafroing - mafroing

How to get the object handle of Elements?

2006-01-16 13:02

Hi, folks, I am trying to change the properties of elements (like TextFields, Lines, Rectangles, etc.) on a report by coding (not through designers for flexibility purpose), and my idea is the following:



JasperDesign jd = (JasperDesign)JRXmlLoader.load("report.jrxml");

to get the JasperDesign object, and then return the element handle individually, but how come that there is no such methods in the JasperDesign class? Or I should try some other ways?


Thanks guys, I really need help!








By: lophiomys - lophiomys

RE: How to get the object handle of Elements?

2006-01-16 14:01

JRBand= JasperDesign.getDetail()



see API DOC of JRBand, JRDesignElements,



also see the example demo/samples/noxmldesign


HTH (just a beginner working on a similar problem)






By: mafroing - mafroing

RE: How to get the object handle of Elements?

2006-01-17 05:07

Thanks, Lophiomys, I will try that!



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