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Text Wrapping & subreport

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By: Soilwork - soilwork

Text Wrapping & subreport

2004-06-14 01:25


I've got a little problem : I have a master report which displays data returned by a subreport in a text field. In order to do that, I use the "trick" given here :



I'd like the text field to be stretched vertically when there's not enough space for everything to be displayed. For exemple, I'd like to see this:



But all I have is... DATA1, DATA2,


I browsed the forum to find an answer to this question and I found someone whose problem was similar to mine ( here : http://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=2442188 ). Unfortunately, I can't use the solution given here, because of the subreport trick I'm using : The solution given is to set the evaluationTime of the text field to "Now", but I can't do that because for the trick to work properly, it has to be "Group". Otherwise, I get no subreport data on the first line, and on the next lines, the data from the subreport doesn't match the data on the line (ie. I have no subreport data on the first line, then on the second line I have the subreport data that should be on the first line, etc...)


Is there anything I can do to solve this problem?

Maybe I'm not using my subreport properly?


Thanks a lot for any help!

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