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How do you add Image within JasperDesign?

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By: Mark Simmons - bdmarr

How do you add Image within JasperDesign?

2004-05-28 12:16

I am not using xml, just java to generate report and need to add an image. How do you add an image to a band in java. I am using JasperDesign jasperDesign = new JasperDesign();, not the JasperPrint jasperPrint = new JasperPrint(); (which I see an example for). I must be missing something hopefuly very obvious.





By: Mathias Drischmann - mathiasd

RE: How do you add Image within JasperDesign?

2004-05-28 13:22

Hi Mark,


take a look at the source code of dori.jasper.engine.xml.JRImageFactory.


call ie. jasperDesign.get<band name>().addElement(...) to add it to the named band.


It may be necessary to create the band first.


best regards







By: Mark Simmons - bdmarr

RE: How do you add Image within JasperDesign?

2004-05-28 13:33

OK, I have added this code to my program:


JRDesignImage image = new JRDesignImage();









How do I set the actual image path/url/file name?





By: Mathias Drischmann - mathiasd

RE: How do you add Image within JasperDesign?

2004-06-01 00:35

Hi Mark,


create dori.jasper.engine.design.JRDesignExpression.

Use method setText of it to set image URL.

Set expr through method setExpression of JRDesignImage object.


A good place to look how to create design objects is the method dori.jasper.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.prepareDigester().

It is responsible for creating a JasperDesign out of an XML file.

for each type of object their is a factory that is responsible for creating it.

Following lines may create / add / set dependent objects.

This depends on the XML tree structure.





By: Mark Simmons - bdmarr

RE: How do you add Image within JasperDesign?

2004-06-01 07:14

Mathias - thanks for all your help to date, looking through all the objects but not seeing it yet. You said to "setText of it to set image URL" - I put the file://... reference in as the text expression and it errors. I will try a relative image next..Keep you posted, thanks again..





By: Mark Simmons - bdmarr

RE: How do you add Image within JasperDesign?

2004-06-01 07:25

Solution / Solved....Thank you Mathias! Here is the code that appears to be working for me..


JRDesignImage image = new JRDesignImage();






String absPath = ConstantManager.getProperty("AbsolutePath");

expression = new JRDesignExpression();


expression.setText("""+"file:///" + absPath + File.separator + File.separator + "images" + File.separator + File.separator + "logo" + user.getCompanyId() + ".jpg" + """);







By: Mathias Drischmann - mathiasd

RE: How do you add Image within JasperDesign?

2004-06-01 07:33

Hi Mark,


I hope this little snippet will help you:


JRDesignImage image = new JRDesignImage();

JRDesignExpression expr = new JRDesignExpression();








By: Mark Simmons - bdmarr

RE: How do you add Image within JasperDesign?

2004-06-01 07:40

Solution Part 2:


That worked for pdf, not html..


if (outputType.equals("pdf")) {

expression.setText("""+"file:///" + ConstantManager.getProperty("AbsolutePath") + File.separator + File.separator + "images" + File.separator + File.separator + "logo" + user.getCompanyId() + ".jpg" + """);


} else {

expression.setText("""+ConstantManager.getProperty("URLPath")+"/images/logo" + user.getCompanyId() + ".jpg" + """);


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