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Subreport with DataSource help!!

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By: Francisco Figueiredo Jr. - fxjr

Subreport with DataSource help!!

2004-05-07 08:21


Hi all,


I'm having problems dealing with subreports. I'm using exclusively BeanCollection datasources.


I'd like to know what is the structure of my beans in the beans collection should be to have subreport working.


For example, suppose I have a master bean and my subreport bean with the following fields:


Master bean: id, masterDescription

Subreport bean: id, subreportDescription


How am I supposed to fill the data in beans to get them working?


Is this data layout ok?



id, description

5, "test"

6, "test2"



id, description

5, "testSubreport"

5, "testSubreport2"

6, "test3"

6, "test4"


So that I can get a report master with 2 elements: 5 and 6 with each having a subreport with 2 elements?


Master - subreport,



Master - subreport,





Also, I could get the jrbeancollection datasource passed to master report as parameter, but I'm not sure about how would be the data layout so that Jasper would get the master data and the subreport data correctly.


I'm getting some data printed in report and subreport, but I think I may be doing something wrong as the report doesn't show correctly.


Sorry for so newbie question.


Please, let me know if you need more info.


Thanks in advance.

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