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Upgrade steps: community server 8.2 to commercial 9.0?

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Hi all,

I've got an 8.2 community server and a 9.0 commercial license. Single server instance, no customizations.  I'm doing a fresh install of the server on a new instance and importing the database to a new cluster.

The v9 upgrade docs say:


This CP to commercial upgrade procedure is valid only for upgrade within a major JasperReports Server release, for example 9.0 CP to 9.0 commercial.

The only commercial downloads available are 8.0.4 and 9.0.0.

Do I need to request the 8.2.0 commercial installer so I can upgrade?  

Or can I use the 8.0.4 install to upgrade from community to commercial? 

Or can I just upgrade directly from 8.2.0 community to 9.0 commercial? (This worked fine in a test environment).


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There are several ways to attempt the upgrade. Our docs present one way. What I usually recommend is to install the new server (9.0) on it's own, then export ALL from the old server (either via command line or the UI), then import that export into your new 9.0 server. With no customizations, this should work ok. If your test worked and you've tested all your reports and resources, you should be fine to continue down that route as well. Good luck!


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