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Apply bold to only part of a string within a text field that contains two fields.

Go to solution Solved by danielo.developer,

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I have two fields I want to combine into one field.  One field is a label, and the other is a free form field.  For example:

PO:  123&ABC

With "PO:" being the label and "123&ABC" being the free form section.  I would like for the label to be bold and the free form to not be bold and I want these both with a single text field.  For example, $F{LABEL1}+" "+$F{FREE_FORM1}.

I have tried using the markup of html; however, when an end user types in an & or % in the free form field it causes the markup to be ignored and instead of seeing:

PO:  123&ABC  you see <b>PO</b> 123&ABC

Is there a way to accomplish what I'm asking with Jasper Studio w/out having to split up the two fields into two different text fields?

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  • 2 weeks later...
				<reportElement x="-11" y="3" width="586" height="597" uuid="6142344b-e776-4f12-832d-c9d8da9de0d0"/>
				<textElement markup="html">
					<font size="10" isBold="false"/>
				<textFieldExpression><![CDATA["<font color='blue'><b>" + $F{LABEL1} + "</b></font>" + $F{LABEL2}]]>			  </textFieldExpression>

voila PO en gras et en bleu si tu veux meme utiliser les couleurs.

NB: n'oublie pas html markup:


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