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Character encoding issues with Myanmar fonts in JasperReports PDF export


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I am writing to report an issue with character encoding when exporting JasperReports to PDF using Myanmar fonts with fontName=Pyidatungsu (unicode font) . The exported PDF file displays garbled characters instead of the correct Myanmar characters.


Problem Description:
  • When running Jasper Studio, the preview of the report looks correct, and generating a PDF from Jasper Studio is successful and correct all fonts.
  • However, when publishing this report to Jasper Server locally and previewing the report, everything seems fine. Still, generating a PDF and opening it in Microsoft Edge and Chrome results in font-related issues.
  • Use version of Jasper Studio 6.20.6,jasperreports-server-cp-8.2.0,java version 11

I have tried the following methods to resolve the issue:

  • Setting the PDF encoding to UTF-8  in the JasperReport properties
  • Add Font in Window->Preferences -> Font  and export jar.Add this jar in java class path 
  • Add jar file in Web-INF ->lib
  • Using a font extension plugin for JasperReports into \webapps\jasperser\WEB-INF\Classes\fonts directory
  • Embedding the Myanmar font directly into the PDF file
  • Checking the font encoding of the source data
  • Updating to the latest version of JasperReports
  • Verifying that the Myanmar fonts are correctly installed on the system
  • Trying different Myanmar fonts
I have attached myanmar pyihtaungsu font (.ttf file),.jar file extract and related screenshots. 

Unfortunately, none of these methods have resolved the issue. I am still encountering garbled characters in the exported PDF file.

I would appreciate it if you could provide assistance in resolving this issue. Please let me know if you require any further information from me.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

image (4).png

mmrtext.ttf Pyidaungsu-2.5_Regular.ttf

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The correct rendering of Myanmar font relies on Java support. With the latest version of JRS, we are able to support OpenJDK 11. With OpenJDK 11.0.8 along with setting :


in WEB-INF/classes/jasperreports.properties file, then the font should render correctly.  

Thank you!

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