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border around rows with same value in a column


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how would I put a border around rows that have the same value in a column.  I've tried to use the group function and have a rectangle in the detail section.  this puts a rectangle around each row, and just skips putting a rectangle around rows that have the same value.  in that instance, I want the border to "expand" to show itself around all those rows that have the same value.

thank you for any help.

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I've attached one of the reports I'm working on.  I've tried several different alternatives.  This one seems to get closest.  It uses groups, but the groups put a rectangle on the header.  I've also provided a mockup of what I want the report to look like.  it's in powerpoint, so a bit ugly, but you get the point.  the key thing you can see is that for property description where it's "ND : Bottineau : FD595", since these are the same values, it puts a rectangle around all of them.  because of the page I picked, all the other rows are just single rows / rectangles; but you get the point.  anywhere, there's more than one property description where the values are the same, I want a rectangle around them. 


hope that makes sense.


ND_legal exhibit for dormant minerals_with acres_master.jrxml

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From what we understood from your comment is that, those property description are not same, in that case rectangles are popullating correctly and in case when property description is same then instead of group rectangle you would like to have rectangle for indivisual same record.

It looks like you have grouped your data for column property description, since these are the same values, it puts a rectangle around all of them.

You can test the approach to group your report based on the column that contains the values you want to consider.
Then insert a rectangle in the group header or footer section. This will serve as the border. Configure the rectangle properties such as border style, color, and width. Set these properties based on your desired appearance.
Add conditional formatting to the rectangle to control its visibility based on a condition related to the column values. For example, you might use the printWhenExpression property.

Additionally, you may try to test using table element in your reprot design to see if this can help you.

For more details about the groups creation, please find below URL.


Hope this finds you useful !!

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>> It looks like you have grouped your data for column property description, since these are the same values, it puts a rectangle around all of them.


you're referring to my mock up.  this is what I want.  what I'm getting is what I included in the attached file.


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