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JasperSoft Studio 6.20.6 not using jdbc driver specified


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I have created a new Data Adapter of type org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver from the driver choices. 

The problem is that whatever driver it is using is older than my Derby 10.16 driver in /opt/Apache/derby- Even after I specifically add my current driver to the driver classpath list, it will not connect to the Derby 10.16 database. An error is returned:

Reason:java.sql.SQLException: Failed to start the database; '/home/ken/bin/Data/tester.db' with class loader java.net.URLClassLoader@57519b69...

The next exception says the database was created with Derby 10.16 and the current driver is not compatible. 

This is the confusing part. The driver specified in the driver classpath list IS the driver that created the database.

Am I missing something or is this some sort of bug in v6.20.6? Any help would be appreciated.

Also copy and paste does not work from JSStudio to a browser edit window. And switching contest with Alt-Tab crashes the window manager.

Jaspersoft 6.20.6


Linux Mint LMDE 6
Kernel: 6.1.0-13-amd64 arch: x86_64 bits:
64 compiler: gcc v: 12.2.0
Desktop: Cinnamon v: 5.8.4
 tk: GTK v: 3.24.38 wm: muffin dm: LightDM
Distro: LMDE 6 Faye base: Debian 12.1 bookworm

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1. Can you share a screenshot of the Jaspersoft Studio for us to see how are you selecting a driver, what is the driver class you are specifying and path/name of the driver jar file? 

What is the java version you have installed? This can happen with conflict between the Java version supported by Derby and Studio. We need this info to understand the compatibility issue. Please provide screenshot or text of the exact error too.

You can refer to below article though this doesn't give concrete solution, this might be helpful to see the Java version conflict. As you are with very old Studio version, this version conflict can cause such issues.


2. What are you trying to copy from Studio to browser edit window? What is the editor in the browser? There is nothing which Studio should be doing and you should be able to paste whatever you have in your Clipboard based on what the editor supports.

3. About application crash, what do you mean my windows manager? How much RAM is allocated to the JVM i.e. Xmx, Xms and Xss settings?

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