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In Jaspersoft Studio 7.8, crosstabs in Ad-hoc reports had scrollbars that spanned the entire page. This allowed the user to scroll the entire crosstab, including the header and footer. In Jaspersoft Studio 8.1.1, the scrollbars are only in the data area of the crosstab. This means that for wide columns, only a small portion of the crosstab is actually scrollable. In some cases, the data area may not even be visible.

Screenshot of a crosstab in Jaspersoft Studio 7.8 with scrollbars spanning the entire page.



Screenshot of a crosstab in Jaspersoft Studio 8.1.1 with scrollbars only in the data area




Is this behavior configurable? Can it be changed through customization in a Jasper system file?

Possible causes:

The change in behavior is likely due to the introduction of floating headers in Jaspersoft Studio 8.1.1. Floating headers allow the user to scroll the crosstab without the header and footer moving. This is a useful feature for wide crosstabs, but it may also be the cause of the reduced scrolling area.

I would like to get feedback from the Jaspersoft community on this issue. Is anyone else experiencing this behavior? Do you have any suggestions for a solution?



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I understand the change in scrollbar behavior for Crosstabs in JasperReports Server 8.1.1, but I'm afraid the customer might not be pleased with this news.

I was wondering if there's any possibility of achieving the older behavior through customization? Additionally, is there any chance that this feature might be included in a future patch or update?


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