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Generated report returns NULL values in JasperServer


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I'm facing an issue with a report that behaves differently in Jaspersoft Studio compared to JasperServer. In Jaspersoft Studio, the report works perfectly fine, but when I run the same report in JasperServer, it returns NULL values. The report is parameterized to generate data for different years.

The specific problem I'm encountering relates to dynamic column headers. I need the column headers to be generated dynamically based on the parameter value. Each column header should correspond to a specific year, as determined by the parameter. The report query calculates counts for different years, and I intend to display these counts under the corresponding column headers.

Here's what the relevant part of my SQL query looks like:

SELECT c.nazev AS oblastni_inspektorat,COALESCE(y5.count, 0) AS podnety_4_years_ago, COALESCE(y4.count, 0) AS podnety_3_years_ago, COALESCE(y3.count, 0) AS podnety_2_years_ago, COALESCE(y2.count, 0) AS podnety_last_year, COALESCE(y1.count, 0) AS podnety_current_year FROM ciselniky.inspektorat c

However, when I replace these dynamic column headers with static text, the report works correctly in both Jaspersoft Studio and JasperServer.

I've verified that the parameters are correctly defined and passed to the query. All configurations appears to be accurate. 

Is there anything I might be missing or overlooking? How can I ensure that the dynamic column headers work as intended in both Jaspersoft Studio and JasperServer?

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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