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Issues with report images: "No appropriate image writer found"

Go to solution Solved by gustavo.alvarenga,

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Hello, I'm trying to generate a PDF report on JR 6.19.1 with images on it; those images are loaded as BufferedImage in our application and fed to JasperReports through a JRDataSource. It usually works, but sometimes I get the following error:

net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: No appropriate image writer found for the "jpeg" format.

It seems to happen when we try using .png images in the report. Looking at the source code for JRJdk14ImageEncoder, I can see the following snippet:

switch (imageType){    case JRRenderable.IMAGE_TYPE_GIF :    {        formatName = "gif";        break;    }    case JRRenderable.IMAGE_TYPE_PNG :    {        formatName = "png";        break;    }    case JRRenderable.IMAGE_TYPE_TIFF :    {        formatName = "tiff";        break;    }    case JRRenderable.IMAGE_TYPE_JPEG :    case JRRenderable.IMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN :    default:    {        formatName = "jpeg";        break;    }}[/code]

What defines the "imageType" variable there? Is there any way I can tell the report to render all pictures as "png" or something like that?

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