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name.package.class.Scriptlet resolves to package when report with Scriptlet on Jasper server

Go to solution Solved by Jivan Phadtare,

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I'm trying to run a report that uses a scriptlet. I created a java file in src/com/av/jasper, then I Compiled it to a .class file and I then created a jar file out of the class file.

I included the jar for the scriptlet in the build path for the Project folder.



You can see that it's in the scr folder and Referenced Libraries.

This is the Scriptlet config:


I've imported them in report jrxml like this:


<import value="com.av.jasper.*"/><import value="cp,.av.jasper.GetExpressionFromStringScriptlet"/><scriptlet name="GET_EXPRESSION_FROM_STRING" class="com.av.jasper.GetExpressionFromStringScriptlet"/>[/code]

I've copied the file to apache-tomcat-9.0.54/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/lib/GetExpressionFromStringScriptlet.jar

Then I restarted the server, but it still fails with:

ERROR SecureExceptionHandlerImpl,pool-18-thread-1:125 - There was an error on the server. Try again or contact site administrators. (Error UID: b77e9879-0351-4a3d-a1a7-a380f1d4233b). Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file:1. Only a type can be imported. com.av.jasper.GetExpressionFromStringScriptlet resolves to a packageimport com.av.jasper.GetExpressionFromStringScriptlet;       <-------------------------------------------->2. com.av.jasper.GetExpressionFromStringScriptlet cannot be resolved to a type                value = ((com.av.jasper.GetExpressionFromStringScriptlet)parameter_GET_EXPRESSION_FROM_STRING_SCRIPTLET.getValue()).FormatString(); //$JR_EXPR_ID=26$                          <-------------------------------------------->3. com.av.jasper.GetExpressionFromStringScriptlet cannot be resolved to a type                value = ((com.av.jasper.GetExpressionFromStringScriptlet)parameter_GET_EXPRESSION_FROM_STRING_SCRIPTLET.getValue()).FormatString(); //$JR_EXPR_ID=26$                          <-------------------------------------------->4. com.av.jasper.GetExpressionFromStringScriptlet cannot be resolved to a type                value = ((com.av.jasper.GetExpressionFromStringScriptlet)parameter_GET_EXPRESSION_FROM_STRING_SCRIPTLET.getValue()).FormatString(); //$JR_EXPR_ID=26$                          <-------------------------------------------->[/code]

I've also tried to upload the jar file as a resource for the report but it does nothing.

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while importing the package n jrxml report, we could see it was mentioned as wrong like cp, kindly correct and republish report.
<import value="cp,.av.jasper.GetExpressionFromStringScriptlet"/>

Also, you can try editing WEB-INF/applicationContext-adhoc.xml and add the following property somewhere inside the adhocEngineService bean:
<property name="reportUnitClassLoadingEnabled" value="true"/>
Reference : https://community.tibco.com/s/article/jasperserver-unable-load-scriplet-jars-repository

Hope this will find you useful.

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