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Is it possible to group data in categories?


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Hi, I'm new to Jaspersoft Studio. I'm using version 6.3.1. and would like to create a pricelist with articles from an SQL-View. Is it possible to have the report "grouped" into "categories". E.g.: "baby food" ... and then the "baby food-products". "Soft Drinks" ... then the "Soft Drinks-products". And so on. The categories are a field in the view attached to each article. If it is possible, what part in the manual is relevant, and where can I find infos, how to geht the categories and articles within those categories arranged in the desired order? My other question is: If I want to present "special offers" separately let's say before the actual pricelist, is this possible in the same report? And what part in the manual do I have to study for this? Thank you!


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  • 6 months later...

Again thx, this answer was helpful.

Now that I did manage to get my report working as desired, I have a last special project: I would like to put a download link on my PHP website that generates a PDF-Download using my report. It would be great if I could pass a customer number to this link to make the report-query react according to this customer.

I have 3 questions:

- Is that possible at all with my version of 6.3.1.final or do I need another version like the server version of Jaspersoft?

- What is the best way to get into this? What keywords do I have to look for in the internet or manual?

- How difficult is it actually to get this PDF-Download working, assuming, that the report jrxml-file plus the Data Adapter already exist?

Any help to get started is appreciated!

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