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Newbie question

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By: Eric Lommatsch - ericl_micronix

Newbie question

2005-03-22 14:33

I am a newbie to Jasper reports and also I am somewhat newbie to java as well.


I just downloaded Jasper reports with the idea of using it as a replacement for Crystal Reports. However when I try to run any classes in JasperReports I keep getting an error that says something similar to the following:


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jasperManager


where the part JasperManager is the name of the class that I am trying to run. This is happening for all of the classes that I have tried to run. Being normally a Database developer I have never had the need to fully learn java so I probably just know enough about java to know how to break things.


Can someone help me so that I can begin to learn about using this tool?







By: C-Box - c-box

RE: Newbie question

2005-03-22 22:45

Well, first you must know, that JasperReports is more a library than a standalone application. So for first getting started I would advise to download the free designer called "IReport" (also as project here at sourceforge) and run the ireport.bat (on windows) There you can design some reports (that actually are the JasperReports). Then you can compile the report within iReport and run it also.


Afterwards you can take a look in the source of a JasperReport JRXML file to understand it's construct to design reports manually via the JasperReportsAPI. Therefor you find many samples within the full-download-package of JasperReports download page.








By: bigmanyuen - bigmanyuen

RE: Newbie question

2005-03-22 22:52

thanks first, but i also try to run iReport instead, but can't

i just follow the instructions

1. Unzip iReport-x.x.x.zip and copy the extracted directory where you want.

2. Look for a file called tools.jar in your jdk and copy it in the lib directory of iReport.


If you have Ant installed on your machine, modify the file iReport.bat or iReport.sh to adjust the ant installation path (default is c:ant under Win32 and /ant under Linux).

3.Start iReport.bat or iReport.sh.


am i right?






By: C-Box - c-box

RE: Newbie question

2005-03-22 22:59

and what happes after you started the iReport.bat ?


Did you download the source-package (must compile by yourself) or the final distribution (runnable without any need of compilation with ant).







By: Taryn - tarynocs

RE: Newbie question adding the Jasper

2006-03-09 05:08

I've already downloaded and extracted the iReports tool (iReport-1.2.0.zip) to folder: "C:iReport-1.2.0"


I've opened it by double clicking on the batch file.


What I am confused about is what do I do with the "jasperreports-1.2.0-project.zip"


Where do I extract that zip?


Do I extract it to "C:iReport-1.2.0"?







By: bigmanyuen - bigmanyuen

RE: Newbie question

2005-03-22 23:37

i did download the binary distribution of Ant from Apache

i just unzip them and place in C:Ant

do i need to set anythings else??







By: C-Box - c-box

RE: Newbie question

2005-03-22 23:48

You don't need ANT to run IReport.

ANT is just a helping tool for compiling and deploying (more or less) complex projects.


So just download the file from here:




unzip it and start it via the bat-file.... since version 0.6.4 of JasperReports (when i remember right) you even don't need the tools.jar from your JDK.








By: bigmanyuen - bigmanyuen

RE: Newbie question

2005-03-22 23:58

Thanks for your help

but if i just click the ireport.bat

it shows error


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: it/businesslogic/ireport/gui/MainFrame <Unsupported major.minor version 48.0>







By: Denny Valliant - xenden

RE: Newbie question

2005-03-23 00:55




/me hands c-box a medal :-)





By: C-Box - c-box

RE: Newbie question

2005-03-23 01:06

What JVM are you using? Type "java -version" into your commandline.

I have:


java version "1.5.0_02"

Java 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_02-b09)

Java HotSpot Client VM (build 1.5.0_02-b09, mixed mode, sharing)


and it works well. I guess you have an older version, isn't it?

Try to upate to a 1.5er one.








By: Taryn - tarynocs

RE: Newbie question

2006-03-09 06:07

've already downloaded and extracted the iReports tool (iReport-1.2.0.zip) to folder: "C:iReport-1.2.0"


I've opened it by double clicking on the batch file.


What I am confused about is what do I do with the "jasperreports-1.2.0-project.zip"


Where do I extract that zip?


Do I extract it to "C:iReport-1.2.0"?

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