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Missing keystore-configuration.xml


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I'm trying to get jasper server 7.8 pro up and running. During the creation of the new keystore, I see the following line:

[copy] Warning: Could not find file /opt/nsp/analytics/nspanalytics/buildomatic/conf_source/templates/keystore-configuration.xml to copy.

My server is not coming up, and I can't find any other errors at the moment. Is this file important?



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Yes, it is importamt.

What happens is the keystore file(s) are stored in the same folder as the installing user. IMHO, way less than ideal.

Solution 1 (as was presented to me)

Solution 2, which is what I came up with and went with, was:

  • Create a "tomcat" user
  • Install JasperServer as that user (right keystore, right location for tomcat)
  • Disabling logons for the "tomcat" user
  • Joy?

Either way works (for me)

I am of course prepared to be at least 100% wrong.

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I don't think that's the same issue. The build script is literally looking for a file called "keystore-configuration.xml" in the templates directory, and that file doesn't exist. So either someone at jaspersoft forgot to include the file in the package, or whoever removed it didn't look for usages in the code.

Regardless - we do a lot of customization for our deployment, and when I deployed a "vanilla" version to our tomcat it started. So something in our customization that worked in 7.2 is breaking it in 7.8. We deploy tomcat and build jaspersoft using the same non-root user. I can see the .jrsks and .jrsksp files in our user's home directory. That part seems to be working.

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