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Subreport and JRDataSourceProvider

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By: macoute3 - macoute3

Subreport and JRDataSourceProvider

2005-11-17 07:55

I'm using JasperReports with HQL in the queryString.



in the query string: select cpy.name from Company as cpy

Through the template query, fields and parameters my DataSourceProvider build a DataSource with the data found.

This solution works fine.


But the problem arrived with subreport.

In the parent template: select cpy.name from Company as cpy

In the subreport: select cpy.country from Company as cpy where cpy.name = $P{CompanyName}.

Parameter send to subreport: CompanyName = $F{cpy.name}, of course.


My problem is:

How to execute the subreport query?

If I send the parent DataSource, country isn't in the result.

If I send a connection, I'm not using SQL based query.


Code used:

asperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport("CompanyList.jrxml");

HibernateDataSourceProvider dsp = new HibernateDataSourceProvider();

JRDataSource ds = dsp.create(jasperReport);

JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, null, ds);


Thanks for your response.





By: Kolesnikov Alexey - kolesnikov

RE: Subreport and JRDataSourceProvider

2005-11-17 22:58



I think sometimes it's easy to send JRDataSource directly to subreport by parameters map. I'm using this technique for my project.

For instance, my main report has two subreports. I prepare two DS for them in Java application and put it to parameters map.

Subreports configured to use datasource from the parent parameters map for course.

Make sense?







By: del-piero - del-piero

RE: Subreport and JRDataSourceProvider

2006-01-12 02:39



i have one master report and two subreport when i where using regular connection the subreports where working fine.

But when i changed the connection using JRBeanArrayDataSource the subreport stop working at all and i see only the master report...


if the problem is known to you please answer me.


thanks a lot.

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