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how to covert the total sum into word


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package convert;class Word{   // Strings at index 0 is not used, it is to make array  // indexing simple      static String one[] = {"", "one ", "two ", "three ", "four ",         "five ", "six ", "seven ", "eight ",         "nine ", "ten ", "eleven ", "twelve ",         "thirteen ", "fourteen ", "fifteen ",         "sixteen ", "seventeen ", "eighteen ",         "nineteen "    };   // Strings at index 0 and 1 are not used, they is to  // make array indexing simple      static String ten[] = {"", "", "twenty ", "thirty ", "forty ",         "fifty ", "sixty ", "seventy ", "eighty ",         "ninety "    };   // n is 1- or 2-digit number      static String numToWords(int n, String s) {         String str = "";         // if n is more than 19, divide it          if (n > 19) {             str += ten[n / 10] + one[n % 10];         } else {             str += one[n];         }           // if n is non-zero          if (n != 0) {             str += s;         }           return str;     }   // Function to print a given number in words      static String convertToWords(int n) {         // stores word representation of given number n          String out = "";           // handles digits at ten millions and hundred          // millions places (if any)          out += numToWords((int) (n / 10000000), "crore ");           // handles digits at hundred thousands and one          // millions places (if any)          out += numToWords((int) ((n / 100000) % 100), "lakh ");           // handles digits at thousands and tens thousands          // places (if any)          out += numToWords((int) ((n / 1000) % 100), "thousand ");           // handles digit at hundreds places (if any)          out += numToWords((int) ((n / 100) % 10), "hundred ");           if (n > 100 && n % 100 > 0) {             out += "and ";         }           // handles digits at ones and tens places (if any)          out += numToWords((int) (n % 100), "");           return out;     }} [/code]

thats the java code  which is coverted into jar file and stored  how do i invoke it how do i achieve this?


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This should be a simple task for the database to do.  No need to over-engineer a scriptlet solution. 


Here is an example from Oracle to convert a number into a string.  Other databases have similar functionality.  If it a repeated function then maybe a db function is the way to go.

select 483 as MyNumber
     , to_char(483,'RN') as Roman_To_String
     , to_char(to_date(483,'J'), 'JSP') as Julian_To_String
     , to_char(to_date(31,'DD'), 'DDTH') as Day_To_OrdinalNum
     , to_char(to_date(31,'DD'), 'DDSP') as Spelled_Number
     , to_char(to_date(31,'DD'), 'DDSPTH') as Spelled_To_Ordinal_Num
from dual;


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