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subrpt "Could not load object from location"

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By: Cadiolis - cadiolis2

subrpt "Could not load object from location"

2005-11-30 10:16

I have a report that I made with ireport. It consists of a main report and two sub-reports. All the report files live inside the same directory and the report runs just great from within ireport.


Now I wrote a little java app to run the report. The code looks like:

JasperReport report = (JasperReport)JRLoader.loadObject(cwd + sep + "reports" + sep + "WorkoutReport" + sep + "WorkoutReport.jasper");

JasperPrint print = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, params, conn);


So I am passing in the full path to the WorkoutReport.jasper file (cwd variable is the current working directory). I have also tried passing in the relative path. As you can see the report lives in "reportsWorkokutReportWorkoutReport.jasper" and as I mentioned, the subreports are right beside this jasper file.


The above code results in the error "Could not load object from location : Email_Subreport.jasper"


Can anybody tell me why it cannot find the jasper file for the sub-report when it is RIGHT beside the main report jasper file? Or perhaps how it should look for loading sub-reports? In the main report I am simply specifying the subreport as a string that looks like "Email_Subreport.jasper"


Please help!!!





By: Ali Kianzadeh - alikian

RE: subrpt "Could not load object from location"

2005-11-30 12:59



Have a parameter for example basePath and set it with folder path which contains reports.

Then use it like this


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