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Large text getting omitted from pagefooter and lastpagefooter band


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We are using Jasperreport 6.4.1 with DJ 5.0.7. We have pagefooter and lastpagefooter band which have some large text to display in pdf but its getting omitted and single line text getting printed.

Prior we were using Jasperreport and DJ 1.4.2 which is working perfectly fine and pagefooter and lastpagefooter getting properly stretch for same large text.

Is there any issue with latest version of Jasperreport with DJ? We have done all the attribute changes in jrxml supported as per newer version but still same issue.


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By default PAGE_FOOTER and also LAST_PAGE_FOOTER are STATIC Bands in JasperReports... so placing stretching content into these bands that should increase the band height isn't really a good idea and won't work. What if the content is larger than the whole page - an Infinity loop would start!?! What should happen with all the dynamic detail/group bands before that are already rendered ? 

So no glue what your "DJ 5.0.7" is doing but I doubt, that they have overriden such an important feature of JasperReports! I startet with JasperReports 0.5.3 some years ago and I can't remember that the PAGE_FOOTER was a "dynamic" band in old versions at all.

Perhaps they "miss-used" some dummy group-footer bands - that were stack to bottom or anything like this to "simulate"a PAGE_FOOTER!??!

But as I said, I don't know "DJ " (I guess it's Dynamic Jasper??)... so perhaps it's better to ask in their community or it's professional support.

When a TextField just prints the first line, although the content has more lines, then the common mistake is, that the user forgot to enable "StretchWithOverflow" at the TextField attributes.

hth + regards


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Yes. Its DynamicJasper 5.0.7. Also I enable StretchWithOverflow but now my text getting flows on another text in same band instead of increasing height. Even isSummaryNewPage="true" but thats also not working. Summary is not showing on new page.

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If you place fields below each other and one of it's top fields has StretchWithOverflow set to true, than each field below should have "PositionType" set to FLOAT instead FixRelativeToTop (what is by default in iReport/JasperSoftStudio).


Putting stretching fields into FIXED BANDS (as (Last-)PageFooter is) is a bad idea, because these bands can't stretch! The summary is a separate band that usally came as LAST band after the last detail/group footer... the Flag SummaryOnNewPage just tells the engine that a page-break is made before it's rendering starts.  But a PageFooter content will never break it's content to that summary! You could define, whether PageHeader/-Footer will also be printed at Summary.

hth + regards


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When I am adujusting the height and y coordinate values, my page footer value is getting fit. But if there is no text in pagefooter text element then page footer band height taking the complete space. We have line elment betwen two text element. When there is no data in in top text element, line element going top of pagefooter band which is odd looks to user.

I am trying to fix the position of line element but not able to make it. Any option to do that?

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As I already wrote: PageFooter is static, so it won't change it's height! If there is no content, the space will be kept free for the other bands on the page!

Well I assume, you have two textfields and have set the RemoveLineWhenBlank flag to both fields to TRUE and also the PositionType-flag to the Line-Element  and the second textfield to FLOAT, correct? So now the second textfield moves upwards when the first textfield is removed because of it's empty content, correct?

And now the second textfield and also the line SHOULD NOT move upwards, also correct? Then just change the PositionType back to "FixRelativeToTop" for both elements.

Otherwise just post a screenshot and perhaps also your jrxml with the current and also the wanted result. 

hth + regards


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